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Demi's POV 

            Tomorrow's the New York City show, and I am SO excited. New York is one of my absolute favorite places and it's so awesome to be here. Instead of being on the bus for three nights, we're in a hotel. Niall was hanging out until the other boys got here tomorrow in a separate room. Nick's supposed to be here in about an hour and I'm really anxious for that. I just want him back in my arms, even if it is just for forty eight hours. Right now, Niall's in the shower and Mac and I are snuggled on thr couch. "I love you baby." I murmured, pressing my lips against her hair. Mac snuggled closer and squeezed me tightly, "I love you too momma." then, Niall walked out in jeans and a t-shirt, his blonde hair in it's usual quiff. Yet, something was different he looked... nervous. "Demi? C-Can I talk to you?" I smiled and gently woke up Mac who'd dozed off on my lap. "Go sleep in the bedroom babygirl, it's been a long day. I'll wake you when we leave for dinner okay?" She nodded sleepily, then toddled off the bedroom. 

             I turned to Niall and patted the seat beside me, "What's up?" He sat down tensely, "I-I....I can't hold it in any longer."n I pulled my eyebrows together, "What do you mean?" Niall peered up at me through his bright blue eyes, "I like you Demi, a lot. I think you're the most beautiful girl on the planet and I have to let you know. There's a reason I don't see the other girls. Because all I'm looking for is you." I closed my eyes and sighed. Why did this have to happen? everything was perfect as just friends. What if Niall is the right one? I cursed at the voice in my head. No, Nick is the one. He's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I took a deep breath, uncertain of what to say. "Niall-" I was cut off by lips crushed onto mine and hot breath filled my open mouth. My eyes flew open and I pushed Niall's chest a little, breaking the kiss. Guilt washed over me, "N-Niall I'm so sorry. But that's what I was trying to tell you last night. I have a-" "Boyfriend." 
              I jumped at the voice that finished my sentence for me although Niall hadn't spoken. I slowly turned around and saw Nick standing there, his jaw set, arms crossed, and rage evident in his eyes. I quickly got up and grabbed his arm, practically dragging him away from a cowering and horrified Niall. Once we were out in the hallway, I shoved him against the wall and leaned in close, trying not to flinch at the anger that rolled off of his tense body. "That was nothing to me. I don't have those feelings for Niall. I promise." Nick's eyes were still blazing. "I believe you, but I'm still gonna fucking kill him." It took all of my strength to keep him restrained. "Nick, please calm down." His eyes flashed, and in an instant, I was the one pinned against the wall, Nick's body pressed tightly to mine. "Calm down? CALM DOWN? You really think I can calm down when all that's replaying in my head his him kissing you? Those lips are mine." I felt myself becoming aroused at this new protective side and decided to push him,  "I'm yours? Prove-" Before I could finished my sentence, Nick's lips came crashing onto mine. All too soon, he pulled away, "I'm gonna make you forget his name, You won't have a clue who he is. All you'll know is my name. Because that's the one you'll be screaming." He said the last bit in a ow husky growl that made my knees go weak. I moaned, and pulled him impossibly close to me. "I think that'll have to wait. We can't just- Oh God- leave him there." Nick shook his head, "No, it'll be quick. Before we go in there I want to know that while he's apologizing, you'll be thinking of me. Now jump." He locked his lips on mine again and caught my thighs while I wrapped my legs around his waist. "My rooms across the hall." I nodded, and he carried me to the bedroom. 

~*~ (;

            As soon as we came down from our highs, Nick kissed me one last time then began to dress. I whined and grabbed his hand, when he said quick he mean it. It had only been ten minutes. "Stay with me." Nick smirked and shook his head, "No can do baby, gotta go talk to the little bitch to make sure he never pulls that shit again." I sighed, "Just don't hit him." Nick rolled his eyes, "I'm not gonna hit him, just scare the shit out of him." I nodded, but smiled secretly, I'm not mad at Niall at all, but having someone to protect me and get jealous for me is a nice change. 

             We walked into the living room of the suite and Niall's head snapped up, his eyes trailed up my body and I unconsciously leaned into Nick, who tensed at my side, the thick muscles in his arm rolling as he wrapped one around my waist protectively. Niall's eyes widened and he gulped as we sat on the couch across from him. "Demi I'm so sorry. I honestly had no idea you two were together. I've been out of the loop of the tabloids and press for ages." I nodded, "I'm not mad at you Niall, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner but I can't give you what you want. I love Nick." Niall forced his gaze to Nick, who squared his shoulders and made himself look even more intimidating. "I'm so sorry Nick, I didn't know and I regret doing that. She's your girl and I don't want to ruin what you guys have." To my surprise, Nick leaned back into the couch and smiled, although his body was still tense. "Don't worry about it man, I get it. I wouldn't have been able to keep my feelings in about this one either. But... If you do it again, it's kind of my job to break your face." Nick laughed, but the not-so-subtle threat still hung in the air and Niall nodded and chuckled nervously, "I-It won't happen again." I tried to focus on Niall's words but Nick's hand had traveled down my my lower back and was now squeezing my ass. I bit my lip and grabbed his hand to stop it's movements. "Well I think I'll go in my room for a bit for a nap." Niall said awkwardly. Nick nodded, "See you later." Niall walked out and as soon as we heard the door shut the tension in Nick's shoulders was back. He put his head in his hands and groaned, "Fucking little prick." I sat behind him and rubbed his tight shoulder and back muscles. "Hey, it's nothing. It's you and me remember?" Nick flipped us over so he was hovering over me, "That's right. It's yuo and me and no one else can have you." He pressed his lips forcefully to mine. "I love you so much." The words tumbled from my mouth without thought, but that didn't bother me. I was so in love with Nick in this moment that the kiss with Niall was wiped from my mind along with the doubts just by looking inot Nick's deep brown eyes. To be honest, it scared me to death how much I cared about this boy, I still had walls up though, just in case. Everyone leaves eventually. Nick kissed the tip of my nose, "I love you more beautiful." He leaned in to kiss me again but a sudden weight pushed him down and we bashed foreheads. "FUCK!" I yelled, clutching my head as I lurched away. I giggled came from above me and I saw Mac sitting on Nick's back, smiling innocently. Nick groaned and rubbed his forehead on my shoulder. "Mamaaa, Dada, get up!" Nick and I froze. Mac seemed to realize it too and scrambled off of Nick's back, mumbling apologies and sprinting off to her room. Nick was in shock as he sat up next to me, "Did she just..." I nodded, "I think she did." Nick blinked, his mouth hanging open. "How do you feel about that?" I asked nervously, afraid that she'd somehow scared him away. Nick suddenly smiled hugely, "I'm completely okay with it. it's just so mind blowing that she trusts me that much." I smiled too, "Well, go talk to her." Nick looked terrified, "You mean... alone?" I giggled, and nodded. "Yep, this one's alllll you." He got up, and walked over to the bedroom door. when he got there he looked back with pleading eyes but I gestured him forward and mouthed, "Go." Nick rolled his eyes and walked in. 
Nick's POV

             I hesitantly opened the door and peaked in, "Mac?" She lifted her head from the pillows and whimpered. I stepped in and shut the door. "I'm sorry N-Nick. I won't say it again." She pleaded, I shook my head and walked over, sitting on the edge of the bed. She shied away from me, "P-Please don't hurt me." I frowned, "Mac, I'm not gonna hurt you. I love you." She lifted her head, "You... You do?" I nodded, and slid closer onto the bed, sitting next to her. I patted my thigh and she climbed onto my lap. "Mac, I love you just as much as I love mommy okay? Never forget that, I'd do anything for you." She smiled and hugged me, nuzzling her face into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her tiny body and smiled happily, "I love you too.... Nick?" I kissed her forehead, "It's okay. you can call me anything you want." Mac smiled,

   "I love you dada."


AHHHHH, drama AND cuteness!

Hope ya'll like the Nick and Mac bonding!

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