New room

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   Mac's POV   

     It felt good to see Miss Lovato sticking up for me. Her car was really fancy. It had a bunch of different buttons that did a bunch of different things. It was really cool. After about five minutes of driving she spoke, "I know your not ready to speak. But just in case, you can call me Demi. Anything but Miss Lovato. That's for business." I liked her name a lot. Demi. I almost tried saying it aloud before I realized that no sound would come out. I drank apple juice and ate crackers then I closed my eyes and fell asleep. 

      When I woke up about an hour later I heard soft singing. My mind felt fuzzy and I sat up straighter. The singing stopped, "Hey kiddo, I was wondering when you were gunna wake up. We're almost home." Demi said smiling. The sky outside the car was dark. And there lights all over the floor of the car, it looked like laser tag. The singing started again. It was really good. I realized then, that it was her and not the radio. I tried to listen to the words. "You can take everything I have, You can break everything I am, like I'm made of glass, like I'm made of paper." She broke o suddenly as we pulled into a driveway of a huge house. My jaw dropped. "Home sweet home" Demi smiled and got out. She walked over to my door and unbuckled me. Holding me on her hip she walked over to the door, I saw her trying to get the keys out of her pocket so I squirmed down. Demi opened the door and we stepped into a room with a very high ceiling and purple curtains. I stood there. I have never seen a house like this. "Well, Your room is up the stairs and so is mine, so you won't be alone up there tonight. I'll show you it so you can get settled in. Then i'll order dinner, is pizza okay?" Demi said taking my hand I nodded. ff

      We walked up stairs that went in circles and then came to a hallway. the stairs kept going up. Demi opened a door. "This is my room, your can come in here whenever." The room was full of clothes and a door inside the room was open to show a really big closet.  We continued down the hallway. Then she stopped and opened another door. "And this is your room. We can paint it later, And decorate it. But for now this is it." The room was a pale blue with a white comforter and a bookcase against the wall. A bulletin board hung against another. The bed was a bajillion times bigger than my bed at the old house. I walked inside. Everything was so clean! I set my dirty backpack down on the floor and looked at Demi. "I'll just.. uhh go order the pizza and let you get settled in, is pepperoni okay?" I nodded. She walked out the door and back down the stairs. 

      I feel like i'm in a dream everything is perfect. I'm with Demi and I'm out of the Orphanage. Life is good. I took out my clothes from my backpack and put them in the chest of drawers that was taller than me. I could only reach the first two drawers, but that's all I needed. I heard Demi walking up the stairs so I went to sit on my bed. Her face poked in the door trying to be sneaky but blushing when she saw me looking at her. She walked in and sat on the bed next to me. "So, I guess I should tell you about myself."

Silence- Adopted by Demi LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now