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It was early in the morning, Casey woke up and saw chandler cuddling him. He looked up at the ceiling and viewed what is going on in his perspective. He imagined his niece, his young and pure 18 year old niece, cuddling chandler in her sleep as he stroked her hair. But what is happening right now is different from what he's in right now. He got up and decided to take a shower, and left something absolutely dear to him on the night table ... A picture.

It is a picture of him and michelle, she was only 17 years old in the picture and Casey wrapped her arm around her when she has a huge smile on her face, and the picture even had the date... January 30, 2016. Oh yes. The day her and chandler met.

"Uncle casey. I'm nervous." Michelle says, as she was shaking. "Don't be nervous, princess. You have to be brave," he says to her, "Besides he loves his fans. I bet he adores you as much as you adore him." Michelle looked up and saw the boy waving at the crowd, her heart beats louder then the screaming in the crowd, she kept walking in line with all the courage she's got. Casey looked at her like he did when she had her first footsteps, it is nothing but a dream come true. 

As she became the first in line, Michelle screamed, "CHANDLER!" "Hi," chandler says to the young girl, she ran and hugged him really close. Chandler hugged back at the stranger, feeling nothing but warmth. She gave him gifts, took a picture with him, and kissed him goodbye. After she kissed his warm, and plushy cheeks, she believed it was her first kiss, and Casey thought to himself... Maybe he does belong to my niece. Michelle even told Casey the important words that she said chandler, "You make me the happiest person on earth."

All the memories flooded into Casey's mind. He was ashamed of what he did, but it's the only way to bring chandler back to michelle. His plan was to give chandler a one night stand, leave the place so chandler can go absolutely insane that he has to search for casey, take Michelle everywhere he goes in case chandler stalks him, then Michelle and chandler bump into each other, and boom, instant couple. Will it work? Maybe. 

Casey looks at chandler one last time, noticing the differences he has compared to her pictures. Chandler has a black piercing in his lip and he has freckles like michelle, leading Casey to think, Maybe after she left, she damaged him pretty bad without her knowing.

He sighs and walks away, leaving chandler in the room... alone.


"Freckles?" Michelle asked her uncle as he picked her up from college. "Yes," Casey answered, "Just like you do, sweetie." Michelle closed her eyes and imagined him with freckles, "Oh! He just looks so adorable!" Casey smiles at her since she does madly love him, but Casey remembers something that he forgot... The picture.

Casey left the picture with chandler.

Is it the moment he recognized her? Or forget her all over again?

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