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Chandler is beaten up with blood covered all over his face.

Michelle came to look at him and she asked, "Chandler, baby what happened?"

"something stupid." He answered.

"You look bad. Let me get you something." Michelle went to get the first aid kit as Lana takes him to the couch. Skipper looked at him and said, "Shit kid. You look awful. Good thing you didn't cry."

Chandler chuckled a little about skipper's sense of humor. Stephanie came to see him and says, "Chandler, what happened? Why are you beaten up?"

"Well," Chandler asked, "I got beaten up by venom's druggies. Just because I don't want to pay them. Venom tried to stop them, but they didn't listen to him. So venom killed them right in front of me. He asked me to come over but I told him, 'I can't. I look like shit. I have to ask for michelle. My pregnant girlfriend'. Then he dropped me off here and ta-da. Here I am."

"That was low," Lana says, "Why didn't you fight back?"

"Because they're stronger than me." Chandler says, solemnly. Michelle came in with the kit, she puts some alcohol on the blood. It stings him but he's gotta learn to get used to it. She touched his cheeks and says, "I don't know why they could hurt you like this, but whoever did it... I'm going to beat them up for it."

"Princess, It's ok." Chandler says, "They're dead."

"Well," Michelle says, "I'll take care of you and the baby."

They kissed sweetly as she tastes his bloody mouth.

Chandler may have decided to stay with Michelle because he loves her and for the sake of their baby, but he doesn't know when his feelings for Casey will go away.

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