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"Deceiving Others. That is what the world called a romance" 
- Oscar Wilde

Michelle is in the hospital bed, hooked on to a machine. He realized that it's Dorian's fault she fell out the window, his fault that she tried to run away. He wanted to rescue her but he didn't.

Dorian came in with flowers and chandler looked at him in disgust and hatred. It is the first time he looked at him and he has one word........... deceiving. Deceiving is what he is. 

Dorian smirked at him and he says, "well, well. You're the little shit that took her away from me."

Chandler felt his blood boil, "You...... You did this to her!"

He smirks and he said, "It was a punishment for fighting me back. I give her a lot of punishments, for lying, for being with other boys, and sometimes..... for the hell of the fun with it."

"You monster." Chandler says in anger, "You're the one who abused her."

He walked towards him and he says, "don't tell anyone. Besides..... I am going to punish you for taking her away from me."

Dorian kidnaps chandler to do awful things to him. Moments after that, Michelle saw chandler get taken away, leading her to panic, even though the nurses and Dr. Nancy Lloyd, the replacement of the now deceased Dr. Chyler. Nancy told her to calm down, but Michelle says with tears streaming down her face, "My boyfriend! He got Taken!"


Chandler woke up in a cold building, he was chained up. He started crying until he heard Dorian says, "Shhhhhhhh. Don't cry. Not now. We haven't reached your punishment yet. What punishment would you like?"

"Fuck you!" Chandler says, being pissed.

"Oooooohhhh," Dorian says, "That's a good one."

Dorian turned on the lights and started unbuckling his belt. Chandler looked down and saw the most disturbing thing in the mirror. He is wearing a dark haired wig, a black skirt exposing pink panties, and an old pink shirt with little rips and tears. He's not seeing chandler, he's seeing Michelle.

Dorian started to take off his pants, he kissed chandler's neck as he thrusts him after he took off the panties. Chandler never liked the feeling, he knew what Dorian was doing to him. "Dorian, please stop."

"Shhh, relax baby," Dorian says, pretending he's talking to Michelle , "I know it's hurt but I love you so much."

He slowly ripped the shirt, exposing a bra that chandler didn't know he was wearing. He starts kissing his chest but he will realize it's not what he hoped for. Chandler growled, "Get off of me, You sick psychopath!"

Dorian slapped Chandler as blood came out of his lip. He gently stroked the wig and he says, "Don't call me that. You're mine." He says, still pretending he's talking to michelle, "You shouldn't have broken up with me. Now you're my slave."

Dorian went back to raping Chandler. Though in his sick and twisted way, he thinks he's having sex with his ex-girlfriend. In a deceivingly loving way.

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