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The music stopped and the couple laid there cuddling each other. Michelle looked at chandler and asked him, "Wanna continue in the shower?"

"No," he said truthfully, "besides... this Dorian guy is after you, and I don't want your blood on my hands."

He kisses her forehead and she tells him, "You don't know him like I do."

She holds him I fear until she heard footsteps. Chandler and Michelle got dressed and he gets out of the window after he gives Michelle a goodbye kiss. She unlocked the door and saw Dorian, standing in front of her. She is scared of him more than ever. 

He was walking towards her as she sees chandler in the car with venom and czar with his suitcase, so she grabs her box cutter. She swung it so she can slit his throat, but missed since he backed away. He slapped her really hard, but luckily she fell out of her window that Dorian has just broken. 

Czar noticed what happened and he ran towards her, "о мой Бог! Michelle, are you alright?"

Michelle groaned in pain with blood on her lips and parts of her body, which were the affects of the glass and the fall. Tears are streaming down her face and she says, "Get me out of here. Please Czar."

He carried her away to venom's truck, Chandler starts crying and venom yelled, "Oh my god!"

"She's ok," Czar says, "It's just this guy pushed her out the window."

Chandler felt anger boiling inside him, but he calmed down when he saw the look on her face. He knew that he would never abuse her like this, he knew she cares about him too much, he knew she is the love of his life. Chandler looked at Czar and he says, "Uncle Czar, can you get our kids?"

Czar nodded and went to get Bonnie and Justin. Chandler stroked Michelle's hair and he tells venom, "we need to take her to the hospital."

"Ok, we'll do that for the sake of your girlfriend." Venom says. Czar came back with the two kids in their car seats and they started crying when their mother was brutally abused. Chandler nodded at venom and they drive away. Hoping that it is not her last day on earth.

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