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Picture of Jack Maddox, General Ryder Maddox's son. If you guys know who general Maddox is in the story greedy, then you guys know he hasn't come out in the story yet. So I decided to start with his son! And he is portrayed by Evan Peters.

After the tea party; The day of  the announcement of Uncle Czar deciding to stay in america due to his financial issues back in Russia, Michelle decided to relax under a tree with Bonnie is her arms as the green and orange leaves fall gently to her head; some leaves flew close to her soft cheeks. She sees a familiar face walk by her house and saw the cutest boy in the college, Jack Maddox.

Jack kissed her hand and he says, "Hey love cake."

"Hey," Michelle says with a smile as she stands up, "How are you? It's been awhile since you asked me out."

"Well," Jack says, scratching his neck, "my dad is a General and he is helping me with training?"



"Awesome!" Michelle says with a smile. Jack kissed her nose as Michelle's freckles blend in the pink blush. He twirls her hair and she asked him, "Wanna come in my house? I made some cocoa."

"absolutely sweetheart." He said. He wrapped his arm around her as they headed inside the house. The 3 got in the house as they followed the smell of the cocoa and the pumpkin spice. Michelle puts bonnie on the crib with Justin and started making the cocoa with the rich smss ell spreading across the room.

Jack looked at her in awe after he fixed his leather jacket. Staring at her made him feel alive in every moment they hung out together. 

As Michelle finished making the cocoa just by adding marshmallows in, she puts it on the living room table and Jack smiles, "Thank you love cake."

"Your welcome."

Michelle smiled brightly at jack as she takes a sip of the cocoa.

The room was quiet with the sound of the kids playing together.........until Chandler got home.

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