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Days after what happened, Casey decided to go to the archery range and he declared it, "Bring your niece" day. Michelle was putting on mascara and lip gloss, looking extremely girly than usual. She is wearing a short red dress, and the ends on her hair were dyed pink. Casey saw what Michelle was wearing, she was grabbing a necklace that has a sapphire heart in the middle, "Can you put this on me, Uncle casey?"

"Michelle," Casey says, "I thought I told you to wear comfortable clothes."

Michelle rolled her eyes and decided to put on the necklace by herself. She walked in the car and Casey got on the driver's seat and headed to the archery range. 

When they got to their destination, many men cat whistled at Michelle because they never seen a woman dress like that in an archery range. Casey never liked the sound of it, not one bit. Michelle pulled out her purple bow and arrow that Casey got her for her 18th birthday, she looks at her target and shoots as the arrow went straight towards the bullseye. Casey smiles at her and says, "That's my girl."

That is until a black jeep showed up in the range. Casey never saw a jeep like that in the range. But the owner of the jeep came out... It's chandler. He came towards michelle, wearing a suit and tie, she smiles at him with her heart racing.

"Look at you, all fancy." Michelle says to him. He strokes her hair, until they heard Michelle's bully who mentioned Michelle's dead boyfriend say to them, "looks like somebody wants a kiss."

Michelle looked down and walked towards the jeep, chandler looked at her in disgust. They got in the jeep and did their schedule. They went out to dinner, tell each other about themselves, watched a movie, and have a romantic walk at the park. 

But after that date ended, Michelle accidentally left something that can give chandler an evil deed... Jake's pocket knife.

Chandler looked at the knife after Michelle got off. He has a smirk on his face. Not a seductive smirk. It is the devil's smirk.

And he knows just what to do with Jake's knife.

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