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~3 months till the baby comes~

Michelle's stomach started to develop and the baby is only 6 months old. She rubs her her belly and sings it a lullaby to the little one inside her. She's excited for the baby to come out, but chandler is afraid. He was afraid of slaughtering the child because of his deepest darkest thoughts. He closed his eyes and imagined, He sees himself holding the child, a beautiful child. Such beauty... He doesn't have the guts to kill it. It's his child. His blood. His own child with his own flesh and blood.

He went from scared and nervous to excited and joyful.

They see Lana peeking her head out the door and asked, "Ready for the ultrasound?"

Michelle and chandler got in the car and headed to the hospital. He held her hand as he asked her, "Princess, What are you going to name the baby?"

"Harley," Michelle says, "or Carrie if it's a girl."

"what if it's a boy?" Chandler asked his beautiful lover, she shrugged since she doesn't know many good boy names, he smiles a bit and he says, "If it is a boy, can we name it Casey?"

Michelle rolled her eyes, "Come on. That's my uncle's name. Think harder chandler. The only names I thought of for the baby is Jared, Alan, and Adrian Michael."

Chandler thought long and hard. He has many friends who are guys. Including Chasey, Scott, and... Venom. He  knows venom's real name and he grew a big smile on his face, "How about Justin if it's a boy? Justin Michael Riggs. How does that sound?"

"Justin," Michelle says, "That's... That's a fine name. Justin if it's a boy."

"And Harley or Carrie if it's a girl." Chandler says, kissing her forehead.

Lana dropped them off in the hospital as they went in to check for their ultrasound. Both of them are nervous. They wondered, Is it a boy? Is it a girl?

The doctors got them in. They put cold liquid on her stomach and sets up the machine.

"Michelle... Chandler... Your baby it's..."

Please comment which gender should it be.

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