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Michelle knocked at venom's door, hearing his crying at the door. "Venom?"

"Come in." He says to her, she entered with cups of tea and sat with him, "Hey," She smiles at she sat with him, "I got you some tea for you." He smiles at her and starts taking some sips, "This is delicious." she smiles brightly, she drinks hers and she asked, "wanna go see a movie with me? It can help clear your head." Venom smiles at her a little since she did nothing but be loving and kind to him. He sees that she is a very beautiful person, inside and out. He realized that sleeping with chandler is a big mistake, he sees she's a  very delicate person and is very innocent. He never wants to hurt her feelings. He bit his cheek and he says, "Sure. I'll watch a movie with you."

He decided to take a walk with her in the movies. The clouds are gray and dark, looking like it's going to rain real soon. Michelle was looking down being very quiet, she is a little shy even with her friends, she sees the movie theater and looked at the movies and venom did too. They eventually Blair witch, a horror movie.

Michelle sat with venom with popcorn and some soda. The movie gave them the shivers. Everything exactly how things would've planned.

Moments later, they got home from the movies and their lunch at Russo's pizza. Michelle smiles at venom, and smiles, "that was fun venom. We should do that again sometime." "Same." He says to her. They got inside the house. And saw Chandler taking care of Bonnie and Justin but he looked up at michelle... with his eye stabbed.

Michelle let out a high pitched sickening scream and venom called 911 after Chandler looked at her as he says, "princess?"

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