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Michelle got up, see where is Casey. She's excited that he came home for the first time in her life that he Casey moves on from cami, the girl he dated for 5 years, now moving on. But the excitement faded... when she saw a blonde woman, Regina . She looked like Jennifer Lawrence in Michelle's point of view, and she is so beautiful. She is lucky.

"oh." Regina says, "So you must be Casey's niece."

"and you're his girlfriend," Michelle says with a little smile on her face. Regina smiles and walks close to her, stroking her long brunette hair. They were alone, but little did they know... Chandler was watching them. He decided to come see her and he yelled with a venom is his voice, "MICH-ELLE!"

Michelle turned around with the biggest smile in the world and says, "Hey chandler! I was just talking to..."

She was cut off with Chandler slapping her in the face. He should've done that when she murdered Scott. He would've done that if he knew she butchered Dr. Chyler. And now... he done it when she was in the arms of a whore. Michelle is on the floor groaning in pain. Chandler looked at Regina and asked, "What the hell are you doing here, Regina ?"

Regina giggled with evil and she says, "Do I have to tell you? I'm Casey's girlfriend now. Ever since his stupid girlfriend broke up with him, I had to come in and be his hero. That's right. I'm stealing one of your guys, and maybe... maybe I'll be bisexual with your little girlfriend when I put my hands on her breasts and..."

"ENOUGH!" chandler yelled, "Don't you dare touch any of them! If I catch you lay a single hair on them... I'll murder you."

She laughs at his threat. She knew he never had the guts to kill her.

Casey came in and saw Michelle on the floor. He looked at chandler and he asked him, "Did you do this?"

Chandler was lost in his words, as Regina made an evil smile. Casey looked at chandler and tells him, "Get the fuck out of my house. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!"

Chandler left crying, being heartbroken.

Casey chose a whore over him.

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