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After the sex they had, Michelle and chandler were both cuddling in a blanket, hiding their bare naked bodies. Michelle is fast asleep and chandler too, she has her head on his shoulder and he has his head on top of hers. They were both watching late night shows on nickelodeon, and they fell asleep at midnight. 

Casey got home late and he smiles at them, and he brought home his girlfriend, Cami James. He kisses Michelle's forehead and she smiles in her sleep.


Chandler woke up early in the morning and sees Michelle cuddling him. He smiles and strokes her hair. Casey got downstairs with Cami and chandler saw them. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He looked down and thought, Maybe me and Casey aren't meant to be. Maybe I should try harder. Or maybe... Maybe Michelle is the one for me. maybe just maybe.

Michelle eventually woke up with the smell of pancakes and bacon. Her brown eyes looked at chandler. He smiles at her, realizing how cute she is when she wakes up, and says to her, "Good morning princess."

"Good morning, babe." Michelle says being in love with him. Chandler looked at Casey and michelle, still not sure he could choose, he bit his lip and asked michelle, "Wanna get matching tattoos with me?"

"Absolutely not." Casey says defending michelle, chandler looks down believing that it'd about them being a couple when really they're not. It's never really official.

Michelle sighs and says, "I'll think about it."

"Ok." Chandler says playfully kissing her neck and cheeks, leading her to laugh a little. Cami stares at them and saw hickies all over Michelle's body, but she ignores it and decided to bring them some clothes.

But Casey on the other hand... Is still clueless that his niece was no longer a virgin, and Michelle hopes it stays that way. Hopefully.

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