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Michelle sat in the hospital, holding Chandler's hand with Casey by her side. She did nothing but ball her eyes out and gave him flowers like daisies and roses. Doctors came in to check on them and he says to Michelle, "Mrs. Riggs ."

"McIntyre. We're not married," Michelle says in honesty, "Well, not yet anyway."

The doctor chuckled a little and he says to her, "Well, your boyfriend has some stab on his eye. We don't know how but good thing it didn't hit the brain." Michelle sighs in relief when he told her that chandler is okay and well, she decided to keep Chandler company as she tells Casey, "Uncle Casey, can you take care of my kids please?"

"Sure." Casey says, clueless on what she meant by kids. She only has a son, Casey thought, what did she mean by kids?


Casey got to the house and eventually saw Justin with Bonnie. He smiles at the kids and carries both kids. He never knew being a babysitter would be this fun.

He was watching Max and ruby with the kids, He feeds them, he changes their diapers, and everything together. He didn't care where the baby girl came, but he loves her just the same. He knows what it is now... the wish Michelle asked for. A family with chandler.

A family. but he wants this family to stay together instead of broken apart. For his niece.

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