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Michelle and Venom went to make a reception for her wedding with chandler, 2 months and be married with the boy she loves very much. She is looking forward to this since the day they met. And she thought to herself, I hope chandler is looking forward to this.


"You're fiance to live with us?" Mr. V said to Chandler in surprise. Chandler nods and says, "Yes father. I just want you to know her better, and besides you can meet your grandchildren."

Mr V started to smile when he said that, "Grandchildren? what a surprise! I can't believe that I'm now a grandfather!"

Chandler nodded with a smile and decided to call michelle, "Hey princess."

Michelle smiled during the phone call while she's still busy with venom, "Hi daddy." She says on the phone. Chandler smirked and he says, "I just wanted to ask, how would you feel about you and the kids to live with my father?"

"Really?" Michelle says in surprise, "I-I don't know. I'm kind of busy with our wedding and I don't want uncle Casey to live alone."

"ok," Chandler says, biting his cheek, "How about this. You and the kids can live with me and my father for this month and  live with your uncle next month until the wedding, and after we're married, we'll find a place for us. When the time comes."

Michelle grew a smile and she says, "I plan to."

"Perfect," Chandler says, "Then it's settled. I'll go get the kids."

"Ok." Michelle says, "I Love You."

"I love you too," Chandler says as he hangs up. 

He went to Casey's house to pick up the kids and saw the kids in the crib, playing with their toys. Bonnie and Justin looked at Chandler and they clapped their hands in joy. He gets them out until he saw a girl, standing there while looking at chandler.

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