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the lunch they had was really quiet. Michelle sat there with poison as she looked at her bruises, scars, and rope burns from getting tied up were fading. She was right. She was mistreated. Damn.

Chandler stared at Poison in disgust. He was thinking of throwing her off the roof, slitting her throat, tying her up in a dark room as his hostage, all of that trouble for venom. Venom holds Poison's hand and he asked, "Michelle... Did poison told you her life in italy?"

Michelle nodded quietly. Venom sighs in despair and says, "Yeah. I know. I feel sorry for her too."

Poison looked at him with a smile on her face, exposing her faded bruised lips. Michelle looked at them happily as chandler looked at them in jealousy. Michelle asked venom what is he and poison going to do after lunch, and venom says his answer that shreds chandler's heart into pieces, "We're gonna leave town. And we're never coming back."

"I FORBID IT!" chandler yelled frantically. He never wants his only friend and other lover to leave him just like that. Venom looked at chandler and says, "Pardon?"

"I said I forbid it." chandler repeated. Venom sighs and he says, "I'm sorry chandler. But I have no choice. Her dad is one of the best drug dealers in the business and... I love Poison."

Chandler slapped venom when he said that. Right in front of the girls. Poison got up in anger and says to chan, "Don't touch him like that, you ingrato monello!"

Michelle stared at chandler in shock, never seen this side of him in her life. She ran upstairs crying as chandler watched her go, and he also watched venom start leaving with poison. Chandler collapsed as he heard venom's car drive away.

His life is falling apart...

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