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Chandler finally got out of jail with Camden since he finally got out of that horrible orange jumpsuit. Camden sees Michelle standing there in her wedding dress and he says, "Son of a bitch. The bride is here."

Chandler looked up at her and he stared at his fiance in shock, "Michelle...."

She walked towards him and she touched his cheeks, "I did this all for you. Also this is not my official wedding dress but I'm wearing it for you today and I'll wear it at the party."

He puts his hands on her tightened waist and he never lets go of his blushing bride. He bit his cheek and he says to her, "Oh princess. You look just as beautiful as ever. You made me feel like I'm blessed and lucky to have you on my life."

He kisses her soft and tendered pink lips as he continued embracing her; The bride herself swirled her tongue to her freed prisoner when the heat is getting hotter and hotter. Stephanie cleared her throat which eventually got the lovers to stop their intense "You may kiss the bride" moment. Their faces were read and Stephanie says, "Are you guys done? The wedding is not today."

Michelle rolled her eyes and got in the car with chandler; They continued their make out in the backseat as Stephanie was trying her best to ignore the smooch extravaganza. Chandler eventually started to kiss her neck and shoulders, leading her to moan is pleasure. Stephanie decided to turn on the radio so she can ignore the sounds of the moaning and some semen covered in her $1,345 dress.

They stopped at their house and they haven't reached the climax yet; They ran to their house and decided to continue in her room, yet she's still wearing her dress.

What a waste of good money, but it was totally worth it. 

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