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Dr. Chyler sees Chandler wake up and he says to him, "Hey. I see that you're here to see me." chandler chuckled, "It's been awhile between us. Where's michelle."

"She's in the bathroom," Dr. chyler says, he kisses chandler sweetly, and he takes off his clothes and made love to his patient. The moans and the lust, in the arms of a stranger. But they eventually stopped when they heard a familiar voice.


Chandler turned and saw Michelle . holding flowers and a vanilla milkshake. Dr. Chyler got up and walked away as Michelle walked towards chandler, "Here's your milkshake, asshole." She poured the milkshake on top of chandler's head in anger. Her own boyfriend, the father of her children, cheated on her right in front of her eyes.

Chandler got up and walked towards her and she yells at him, with tears in her puffy brown eyes, "HOW COULD YOU?"


"Just..." Michelle says as she teared up, "Don't."

She walked away from the hospital room, crying deeply. 

She did everything for him, everything. And he destroyed her just like that. She clenched her teeth... what will she do? Break-up with chandler cause he cheated on her? No. She's gonna kill every single man if he sleeps with chandler.

Every. Single. One of Them.

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