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"Chandler?" Michelle says recognizing him when she looked at him

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"Chandler?" Michelle says recognizing him when she looked at him. Her uncle was right, he does have freckles, but she looked at his piercing. Chandler looked at the picture from his pocket, and asked her, "Is this yours?" Michelle nodded and takes the picture, she grew a smile on her face, she looks at the date on the photo, January 30. She looks at him and asked, "You remembered?"

"Remember?" he asked, "Remember what?" 

Michelle's heart sank since chandler doesn't remember her and the day they met. "Do you even remember me?" she asked him, he shakes his head, she looks at him, and explained, "January 30, 2016. We met at a convention, I hugged you and you hugged back. You were actually happy to see me." he started to remember. The girl. The face. It is her.


Michelle hugged him and he hugged her back once again, she started crying as chandler tells her, "shh shh shh shh shh shhhhhhh, don't cry. I'm right here, baby girl. I'm right here." she kept hugging him as she never lets him go.

As she stopped crying, chandler lifts her chin up after she was looking down and he tells her, "Listen little girl... I know it has been a year between us. But listen to me very carefully............ I'm not the guy you used to know." she bit her lip as she kept looking at him. She eventually imagined her life with him: getting married, having kids, she even started having an image on what her family would look like when chandler comes home from work. 

She was thinking about kissing him at that moment... But it got ruined when he walked away. She felt like her heart was going to break, so she ran to Casey's car, got in, and cried her heart out as her uncle wrapped his arm around her.

Casey is not gonna let chandler leave Michelle that easy. Never.

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