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Song: "stan" by Eminem because this song hit me so hard that it got stuck in my head just today and I thought that maybe it would be good for this chapter

girlfriend?  Chandler thought in shock. He never felt this heartbroken. Venom having a girlfriend in his life. He crossed his arms looking at the woman, she doesn't know venom like he does. Michelle smiled a little and she says, "So um can someone help make dinner."

"Lo farò," Poison says, "I will."

"good. Come to the kitchen with me." Michelle says as she goes to the kitchen.


Michelle slowly looked at the rain outside. Quietly. Poison looked at her and says, "You are mother. Correct?"

Michelle nodded, "Yes. A son named Justin and an unnamed daughter. Chandler was thinking of naming her Mary jane. But I'm thinking carrie, then there's Gwen too. Audrey. Harley. or... Bonnie. Bo for short. I don't know."

"Bonnie beautiful for girl." Poison says as she helps Michelle with dinner, "You're not the only one with child."

Michelle looked at Poison. The blonde took off her jacket exposing her tiny pregnant belly. 

She looked at her in shock and asked, "Is venom the father?"

"No," Poison says, "I met venom 5 days ago when I first came to america. I was kidnapped back in italy. Back when everyone knew me as Leia Bianchi. The man looked at me with eyes of il diavolo. So he took me. I was careless. And he forced me to be his girlfriend or else he'll kill me. So I did. I was suffering from that so called relationship. He abused me badly, treated me like a slave. But the worst part is that he raped me. He was the reason why I'm pregnant. He was an avvitato man I ever met. Ever since I told him I'm pregnant, he went insane. He slits his wrists all the time. But one time......."

She bit her lip and told her the most horrendous thing Michelle ever heard, "He locked me in the trunk when I tried to escape. I screamed inside there, I did nothing but scream. He told me to shut up. But when he was about to head into the bridge, the car got stuck until someone decided to get me out of the trunk since he kept it unlocked. And the car... The car fell into the ocean. I was terrified by the abuse I had suffered. I was. But then I got a ticket to America. To start a new life. I decided to live with my father in america. And my father... He is the one who introduced me to venom. I started my life as Poison."

Michelle was crying while listening to poison's sad story. She never knew how much she suffered. The broken woman finished making the dinner, but eventually... Michelle hugged her. "I'm so sorry that happened to you poison," Michelle said to her, "You deserve so much more in this world."

Poison smiles a little and realized... Life in america isn't so bad at all, and her past will be gone out of her life.

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