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The song for the whole chapter: "Closer" by Majik

Michelle sat with chandler, sleeping peacefully. She never left his side. Nothing happened so far except have conversations when he wakes up. Lately he has been recovering quicker, and his bruises are going away. Everything was very casual....... until today.

Nurse Jameson came by and he says, "Mrs. Riggs?"

"Ms. McIntyre." Michelle corrected, "We're not married."

Jameson smirked and he says, "well, Here's a note that your buddy Venom found; It's in this journal that  belonged to Chandler. I hope you'll enjoy it."

She got curious and started reading in Chandler's journal.


I wrote you this letter at the right place at the right time.

when I first met you, my fireworks exploded; butterflies flew away from me. You are the most beautiful creature that I have ever seen with your beautiful curves of your body; your brown eyes that reminded me of the chocolates that my father used to get me; your black brown hair that is softer than silk; your pink lips with a taste of cherry with a mix of milk; your freckles on your cheeks that made you look like butterfly kisses.

You made me into a new man when you came back. Changed my selfish ways and became the boy you met last year; I changed for you, Michelle. I am really blessed that I finally have a family with you; having a beautiful son and a gorgeous daughter. We lived happily, but not ever after.

I realized that there is a huge gap in our relationship that we have; something that seemed incomplete.

Right now. 

I may or may not be on my knees; maybe you do have my father's approval; And since they started calling you 'Mrs. Riggs'.

I really want to ask you...............

"Michelle," Chandler says holding a tiny box. Michelle gasped after she turned around, he opened the box and asked her, "Will you Marry me?"

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