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Michelle got sick for some reason. She couldn't stop throwing up and she always feels nausea.

"Mr. McIntyre, we don't know why your niece got sick, but we will go find out sooner or later." said nurse Abbie.

Casey nodded, and looked at Michelle, sleeping peacefully. He eventually received a call from Stephanie (YUP ANOTHER CHARACTER FROM GREEDY) "Hey Steph."

"Hey Casey. How is Michelle?" Stephanie asked, worried about her.

"Not good. She's been throwing up lately."

"does chandler know she's sick?"


Stephanie sighs and says, "I'll come over with skipper. Is that ok?" (ANOTHER ONE!)

"Yeah, it's ok." Casey hangs up, and heard the doorbell ring, "that was quick."

He opened the door and didn't see anyone there, he looked down and saw a box that says, "For casey"

Casey opened the box and saw the most disturbing thing in the world... A heart. A human heart.

It was so terrifying that Casey had to call the police.

He wondered, what kind of animal would give me this?

Somebody I used to knowWhere stories live. Discover now