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Michelle got downstairs in a pissed mood.

She's never this upset since the death of her parents. They died after Alan got kicked out; her parents were brutally murdered and she was raped at that same day. The memory still haunts her, but she was glad that she remembered that her uncle Casey has custody to her and the man got arrested when they found her being brutally tortured.

Now she's pissed at aspen who was touching her in an extremely uncomfortable way, which lead her memories of getting raped to come back in her mind. Until it faded away with just one look.

She turned around and saw Casey playing with her kids, playing peek-a-boo and watching Teletubbies. She never knew that her kids would love her uncle this much just like how she loved him, and she still does. Her life completely reflected on everything that has happened and is glad that she has people who love her.

Chandler got home and he says, "Hey princess."

"Hey." Michelle says as she kissed her fiance in loving and passionate way. Chandler opened his eye about to pull away, but he sees aspen down stairs and gave him a look with a smirk, leading aspen to watch them helplessly. They pulled away and looked into each other's eyes, and Chandler tells michelle, "You look just as beautiful, as ever."

Michelle grew a blush on her face until they heard voices, like two coos of doves, 



Michelle and chandler heard it and sees their kids with Casey, as he said to the young parents, "It just.......... their first words came out of nowhere."

"mama." Justin says to Michelle

"dada." Bonnie says to chandler.

Both of them carries their kids in joy, being proud to be their parents. It was the day that her kids say their first words, but the day of their matrimony comes in 2 months.

BTW, my parents aren't dead. They're alive and well. ;)

lol, i just wanted to add that for the story to give an interesting background and why Michelle is the only family that Casey has.

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