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Chandler kept stalking casey, he even followed Casey's car. He sees Casey witnessing something awful, really awful.  He sees Michelle getting teased by some girls, one of them is pushing her too far. "I hope you got your friend from art class, mr. Pocket knife."

chandler got off the car to look at michelle, eventually the girl tells her something that makes his heart hurt for her, "and I know why you take it with you. Because that is the same toy that your dear... dead... boyfriend... Killed himself with." Michelle looked up, trying to stay strong. Chandler covered his mouth while starting to cry. Michelle looked down, remembering how her boyfriend died.

It was a Saturday afternoon, ever since Jake and Michelle dated for 6 months, they decided to take things for a limit. Michelle was happy with Jake and Jake is happy with her, well, only around her. Jake had a sad life: a mom who died a soldier in the army, a dad who is an abusive alcoholic, and 2 sisters, one works as a stripper, the other is a murderer who rapes him for the fun of it. Jake's life isn't easy, but with Michelle in his life, it was getting better a bit. 

Then one night, Jake bought something for michelle... A ring. Jake was going to propose to Michelle at prom, but sadly, the murderer tries to take the ring away so she can continue where they left off. He pushed his sister out of the room and puts a chair on the door handle. He pulls out a pocket knife and slits his wrists, vertically, just so he can die quicker, he clenched the ring on his fist as he loses blood as he says, "I love you, michelle." he died that day, and the police used two evidences.

Michelle received the ring from the police, she broke down when she realized... Love isn't as strong when it comes to death.

Michelle starts crying and she pulls out the ring Jake was supposed to give her. They knew. She knew. Casey was supposed to come out and cheer her up, but instead... Chandler beat him to it. He hugged her tightly as she kept crying. But she never realized chandler was holding her, until now. She looked up, seeing his freckled face and his piercing. She recognized him... But he's different.


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