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I decided to make a new character. Her name is Leia Bianchi, but her nickname is poison. And don't hate me for who she is.

"Mr sandman..." Chandler sings to his two kids as they start falling asleep.

He bit his lip thinking about the 3 people he's kinda in love with. Michelle, Casey, and venom. He got a text from venom that he was coming over with someone. Chandler ran down stairs and he tells michelle, "Princess, I want you to get ready. A friend is coming over."

"Really?" she questioned, "Who?"

"His name is justin. The one we named our son after, but most people call him venom."

Michelle smiled brightly. She seems excited to meet this venom character. She heard the doorbell ring and she tells him, "I'll get it."

she opened the door and saw venom. His height kind of towers her in the door way. She stared at him in amazement, since he seems like one of the greatest men that the planet has ever seen. Kind of like a superhero. Venom smiled at the little lady and he says to her, "You must be Michelle, I'm venom." he smiles as he kisses her hand. She begins to blush really bright, she never expected him to be a gentleman to her. Chandler sees Venom and he says, "hey venom."

"Hey chan," Venom says, "I just met Michelle . You're a lucky man, she's one bad bitch."

Michelle gave venom a cold look when he called her a bitch, but venom looked at her and he says, "I'm sorry Michelle . Please forgive me."

"Alright," Michelle says, "But I won't forgive you when the kids are around."

"Damn!" venom says, he never knew Michelle can be feisty, neither did chandler.

Chandler laughs a little until he saw a girl. She has blonde hair and icy blue eyes, dressing like a Harvard student looking for a business job. He starts to like her, but he stops liking her when venom puts her arms around her and says, "This is poison, My girlfriend."

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