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Days passed, weeks passed, and chandler is still missing. Officer Camden decided to let Michelle join him since she is fully recovered. They kept searching and no one had seen him. Not even his adopted father, Mr. Vitaleyvich, knows where his adopted son is, however he told Michelle , "My son is lucky to have a woman like you. I can see you will be a fine wife for him." Michelle grew a smile when he said that.

The search is still on and no sign of him. That is until Michelle got a text from Dorian and it says, 'You look Beautiful baby girl' and it shows the most horrible image she has ever seen. It's chandler, wearing a black wig and stripped naked, covered in bruises, scars and orgasim. She screamed and started crying and Camden went up to hug her. Camden looked at the picture in disgust. But then Dorian sent her a video with a text that says, 'I don't remember you having this. looks like there's one thing to do.' the video shows Dorian's hand with a knife, pointing at chandler's crotch, leading the small boy to whimper. Michelle covered her ears and kept crying, "Make it stop. please make it stop."

Camden kissed her forehead and he says, "Don't worry, we'll get him back."

They tracked the phone down and headed to the abandoned building where the horror takes place. They hear a sound of an old song called, "Jeepers Creepers"

Camden and Michelle broke in and saw chandler, laying on the floor. Michelle started to cry and ran after him, "Oh my god....... Chandler!"

Chandler mumbled words but she kissed his lips and he kissed back. He looked at her as he pulled away and he says, "Princess. You're here?"

"Yes," Michelle said, "I came back for you. I brought Camden with me too."

Camden smiles and they got up. Chandler looks into her brown eyes with his blue eye and he says, "Michelle, I wanted to ask you something but I don't think it's the right time."

"I know. but right now........ we have to go!"

They were about to leave until the door shuts. Michelle and Camden pulled out their guns and saw Dorian , holding a kitchen knife. He walks close and he says, "I loved you Michelle. We could've been together longer...... but you chose to leave me." He felt like he wanted to cry, Michelle looks at him coldly and said, "Put the knife down."

He refused, instead he ran to stab her. Camden pulled the trigger 2 times as he was shot in the butterfly tattoo and on his stomach. The body fell on the floor and the three stared. The music kept playing and playing as the blood spilled all over. 

Chandler, Camden, and Michelle walked out. She looked at the body once again and said, "I'm glad. It's finally over."

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