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Chandler sat at the bar with Aspen since it's been a while since he's seen him. Aspen puts his hand on Chandler's shoulder and says,  "I heard you're getting married. Congratulations. "

"thanks" Chandler says as he looks his vodka, "she is someone who is most precious to me. "

"she? " Aspen says, "you mean Casey? "

"No. " chan says, "I'm marrying his niece. I love her. I really do love her. At first I used her to get close to Casey but then I realized my true feelings for her. I had feelings for both of them, but I eventually lost feelings for Casey after he dated Regina. "

"your almost stepmom? "


"damn. You did the right thing; that bitch doesn't know how to keep her hands to herself now, can she?"

"No," Chandler says, "Also I'm not supposed to be drinking. I'm a father now."

Aspen choked and started to cough about what chandler said; His eyes bewildered and asked, "She had your kid?"

Chandler nodded. Aspen couldn't believe what he was hearing, and he asked, "Why didn't you give her birth control pills? You would never forget to use protection!"

"Well that day I did," Chandler said with a venomous tone, "And I never regret it. I even stole a baby girl for her, for Christ's sake!"

"You stole a baby girl?"

"Yeah. Because her crazy biological mother was gonna kill her next after she killed her twin brother!"

Aspen calmed down after hearing the words chandler says, he never seen this side of him for his whole life. Before Michelle came in to his life, he was every man's wet dream and a fun alcoholic who lives to party all day and all night, with not a care in the world. Now chandler is a protective dad who will marry the only woman in his life, even parties less. Aspen takes a sip of Chan's vodka and says, "You changed, cupcake. You changed."

"But it's for the best."

Aspen and chandler walked away as he sees his beautiful brunette fiance walking in the park with Justin and Bonnie. Michelle got on her knees after her kids cried, so she fed them two bottles of water. Chandler waved at his lover and she waves back after she's feeding the kids.

Aspen smiles a bit and says, "You're right, Chandler. It is for the best. She's lucky to have a guy like you in her life."

Chandler kissed aspen goodbye and went back to his family.

Michelle holds his hand as they continued their stroll in the park.

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