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Play this song by Lana when you reach to Paragraph 8


Chandler smiles and he says, "Princess... I'm... I'm sorry I slapped you. I got jealous, and..."

"Hey," Michelle says, touching his soft cheeks, "It's ok. I know you never meant to do that."

He tears up, she was right. He actually never meant to do that, it was actually his anger that blinded him to cause him to slap her. Michelle kissed his lips. He still loves her, even when she's not young and beautiful. The lips synced into each other, and their tongues danced together. He holds her close. She even holds his hand during the kiss. Michelle eventually stopped and asked, "Where were you after you left?"

"I was venom." Chandler says, "He kept me company and he welcomed me. I even took care of his daughter, Gwen."

Michelle nodded, since she's glad that Chandler stayed with someone she trusted. They were about to kiss again until she heard a knock on the door. It's Dorian.

"Baby?" Dorian asked, "You ok?"

"I'm fine. Just... Just go."

Dorian sighs a little and he heads back, Michelle slowly locks the door and decided to put on Lana Del Rey's "Yayo" on repeat through her speakers. Michelle walked towards him and kisses him as the kisses are rough, but slow and passionate. 

She eventually takes off her shirt and kisses him more. Heavy breathing. Sweat starting to develop. Chandler started to unbuckle is belt and pulled out the rubber. 

He kisses her neck as he slowly fingers her. The music is louder then the sound of their moaning. He keeps fingering her as her juice started to come out, leading chandler to suck her. She moaned in pleasure. All of this out of love.

She starts by sucking his finger, then she got down and started to suck his member. Chandler looked at her and he says softly, "Ahhhh, yes. Keep going princess."

She kept sucking until she decided to stop. Chandler looked at her and puts the rubber on his member, he starts to get in and out of her as Michelle moans softly. She looked at him and she says, "Oh daddy."

They kept having the beautiful, loving, and passionate sex. All for each other. This is love, they thought, This is real love.

After that they looked at each other and cuddled. They breathed heavy since it was the best they had in their lives. Chandler looked at his beautiful girlfriend, "That was amazing."

"Third class Jack fixed Rose." Michelle says, with the reference of the movie of Titanic. Chandler looked at her with a smile and he asked, "No more beatings?"

"No more beatings." Michelle answered. Chandler nodded and kissed her, "I won't slap you ever again I promise"

And that is the Promise he kept.

"I love you, princess."

"I love you too, daddy."

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