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NEW CHARACTER! This is a girl Casey brought home, she is portrayed by Haley Bennett from the movie, The girl in the train. (that's her in the photo)

After what has happened, Chandler couldn't believe that Michelle was this crazy for him. He learned that whatever man he sleeps with, he better keep his eye open when Michelle is gonna slaughter them. He walked upstairs with the kids in his arms, Michelle came after him and she says, "Look, chandler... I'm sorry.... I easily get jealous and you know how much I love you. So can we forget about it? Please?"

Chandler nodded, since he's afraid that if he doesn't, she'll cut off his man parts.


Hours later after the dinner and uncle Czar is staying at the guest room, Michelle and chandler embrace each other in their sleep... until they heard a sound of moaning. Chandler and Michelle woke up by the noise and Michelle smiled at Chandler realizing that he's not cheating on him, but chandler has curiosity, so he went to see where the noise came from.

Chandler followed the sound as the moaning kept going louder and louder. He sees something that makes his heart shatter quickly. He sees Casey having sex with a stripper from a club... named Regina.

Regina is a whore. The same whore who made Scott the asshole that he is today and made Lana abused including getting killed by Michelle, all because of their blissful sex. The same whore who happened to be skipper's sister, she abandoned him since she ran off with her boyfriend, which is what skipper told him his heartbreaking childhood. The same whore who almost became Mrs. V, but Mr. V left her because of her behavior and Chandler doesn't want her as a mother. The same whore who ruined chandler's life by stealing all his boy toys. And now... The same whore stole Casey out of Chandler's arms.

Anger started boiling him, and she looked at him as Casey sucked her scrawny neck. 

It's official.

Casey is dating a whore.

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