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Play the song when I add the flashback, also This is my favorite song from my favorite movie BTW

As Michelle saw chandler enter the house, she felt her heart race fast leading her to scratch her arm, she even remembered  the night after she got to the convention. The night before she left him. That Night.


Chandler told Michelle to go to room 312, his hotel room. She doesn't know why, but it's a surprise.

Michelle was standing right in front of the door, feeling butterflies in her stomach. Chandler opened the door, he takes her hand as she entered the room. She looked at the bed, a king sized bed with flower pedals and on the side are a couple of items for protection. Chandler hitched his breath and asked, "I have a question for you. Will you die for me?"

"Yes." Michelle answered, chandler looked around and says, "That is too simple. Would you be my queen and I'd worship you as the love of my life?"

"Yes. I would love that." Michelle answered again.

"Oh michelle, you're such a good girl." Chandler says to her seductively. He takes off her shirt and starts kissing her neck and started to give a trail of kisses on her body. She lets out a deep sigh and he takes off her pants. He even started thrusting her with some protection. They continued their protected sex the whole night.

A day later, Michelle puts concealer on her hickies and when chandler got to see her, Michelle gives him a loving and passionate goodbye kiss before she got to the bus.

(M-music and flashback over. P.S sorry that the sex part sucked.)

"michelle?" Casey says, asking his niece, "Are you ok?"

Will she ever tell her uncle that she lost her virginity to chandler on that same day? Hell no.

So she tells him, "I'm fine."

Chandler puts his hands on Casey's leg, which made Michelle firing with envy. Casey looked at her and he says to chandler, "Don't do that. Please?" Chandler rolls his eyes, Casey eventually realized that chandler will never get back to Michelle.

So Casey says, "I'm going to the store. I'll leave you two alone." so Casey locked the door with his key after he got out, leading chandler and michelle...

(380 words! P.S sorry if this chapter sucked)

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