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A new character! He's portrayed by harry styles. Ain't he a dreamboat? <3___<3

Michelle woke up from a moment later. She sees Casey and Regina sitting by her bed. She looked around and asked, "Where's Chandler?"

Casey looked down and he says, "I... kicked him out. Because Regina, my girlfriend, saw you slapped by him... she told me what happened." "Fuck her!" Michelle says in anger, Regina looked at her pissed and she says, "That's no way of talking to your future aunt."

"You're not my aunt," Michelle corrected her, "This is the first time he did that to me. Because of you my boyfriend is gone!" she sobs hysterically, "I love him."

That is until someone knocked on the door. Casey went and answered the door and saw the guy he never expected to see, but he's the only hope of curing Michelle's heartbreak. "Dorian Williams. Michelle's British boyfriend. British EX-boyfriend."

"Nice to see you too, sir McIntyre." Dorian says with a little smirk, "How's my little american Virgin ex-girlfriend doing?"

"Um..." Casey says, nervously, "She's not a virgin anymore. She lost her virginity and now she has 2 kids, Justin and bonnie."

Dorian crossed his arm in jealousy. He wanted to lose his virginity to Michelle while they were dating, but it didn't happen since she was a virgin at the time and she left him for Jake after high school started, plus Dorian was 19 when Michelle was 16, turning 17, meaning that it's some sort of pedophilia. Casey sighs a little and he says, "Please. come in."

Michelle got down stairs and saw him with a shocked look on her face. "Dorian?"

"Well... hello beautiful."

Dorian pulls Michelle close as he was about to kiss her, but she refused. She did that because she loves chandler. 

She loves chandler.

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