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Chandler got home as Mr V smiles at the kids and says, "Oh hello children!"

He tickles them and he looked around and asked, "Where is she? My future daughter in law?"

"Oh um," Chandler looks down and he said, "We had a fight."

"I'm sorry." Mr. V says as Justin softly coos, "What is it about?"

"Well, It started when I ask her where has she been since she was busy working on the wedding, but then she started bitching about me not being there for her since I'm spending too much time with the guys and........"

"Ah, I see." Mr. V smirked, "That is the problem, You weren't always there for her; You must learn that a husband never leaves his wife's side, he stays with her no matter what. She must've proven herself that she is pretty much worthy of being a wife, but you, you need to learn how to be a man, not a boy."

Chandler bit his cheek, realizing the damage he has done. He realized that she may be a gentle candle that can turn into exploding fireworks when he first saw her get actually mad at him. Mr. V pats his shoulder as he tells his young adopted son, "It also seemed that she's worried that you'll leave her for someone else and break her heart."

"I know," Chandler says, remembering how she brutally murdered Scott, "I know she can't let that happen. Maybe I should talk to her before she ever thinks about calling off the wedding."

"Ok," Mr. V says, "I love you, son." 

"I love you too, father."

Chandler headed to Casey's house in his black jeep until he saw the ambulance...... taking Michelle in with fresh blood on her wrists.

Damn chandler, take a good look at what you done to your soon-to-be wife.

Take a damn look.

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