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Michelle got back to the hospital, hiding her box cutter in her pocket. She sees Dr. Chyler coming towards her, perfect timing for her first kill of her life. "Ms. McIntyre. Your boyfriend is alright and well. I just came to say I'm sorry for what I have done, it was quite immature of me. I won't do it again. I promise. He is all yours."

Michelle bit her lip, knowing that it was a one time thing. She looked up at him and she said a line from Margaret white, "These are Godless times, Dr. Chyler."

He looked at her strangely as she walked away. She realized he actually meant it, he really does feel sorry for her. She saw chandler look up at her and he says to her, "Princess! I'm so glad you came to pick me up!" he says as he touches her, "Baby, I promise, They're just one time things. I only love you! I promise, if I do that again you can either breakup with me and keep the kids, or forgive me and pretend it never happened." Michelle thought, Baby, I'm not gonna just forgive you and pretend it never happened, I'm gonna kill the man you slept with.

He strokes her hair and kissed her lips, feeling like the world stopped in the distance. Everything is just perfect. Perfect.


Chandler and Michelle got home as they see Casey taking care of the children, "Hey uncle cas," Michelle says with a reassuring smile, "How are our kids?"

Casey smiled a little, "They're doing great. They acted like angels."

Michelle smiles as she carried bonnie. She eventually got chandler's words all over her head, "I promise, if I ever do that again you can either breakup with me and keep the kids, or forgive me and pretend it never happened."

But she knew he is going to learn an important lesson that he'll never forget.

If she wants him, but he forgets that she has him... he better let her have him.

Somebody I used to knowWhere stories live. Discover now