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"Women are made to be loved, not understood."

- Oscar Wilde

Michelle looked at the ring in awe, it looked like a rose with gorgeous diamonds. He knew her well, because he loves her.  He didn't understand it was a little early, but it didn't matter. she looks at him with tears on her face and says, "YES!" 

She kisses him in bliss and passion. You may think that she's going to say no, and make chandler wrecked...... You're dead wrong. She would never do that to him; despite all the things that happened to them, she still would never say no to him. 

Chandler stopped the kiss and puts the ring on her finger; she looks at the ring with a smile and says, "it's beautiful. "

He smiles and says, "we should tell everyone the news."

Michelle nodded and decided to go outside. Everyone looked at her, waiting to speak, and she said, loud and in happiness, "I'M ENGAGED!"

The whole gang cheered and will celebrate after chandler gets out of the hospital.

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