Chapter 12

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Josh's POV 

We just got back from the tux shopping, and I can tell that all the guys knew something was up with me. However, people know better that to question and pry at my feelings. It's a complete and utter waste of time. Plus, there are more important things to worry about being that the rehearsal dinner and wedding were in a few days. 

I walked straight into the guest room to lay down on the bed right where Maya and I were last night. I rub my eyes because I didn't realize how tired I was due to my lack of sleep. I had to be up and ready in a few hours for Cor's bachelor party. It wasn't gonna be much because, well, it's Cory. I shut my eyes in a desperate attempt to sleep so that I can actually survive tonight.

I couldn't be bummy like I was earlier today because Cory was excited about this and he took a personal day at work so that we could all be here to go out and celebrate. I don't know who actually goes to Atlantic City on a Sunday during Fall, but this was the only way we could all be there.

A few minutes pass but I still can't fall asleep. So I open my eyes to grab my phone and scroll  through twitter. But then, I see it. Maya's dress. She left it here. I'm trying so hard to resist texting her, but I find myself opening my messages and click the start new message button. I type her name in letter by letter. But when her name doesn't pop up, I realize that I never changed her name on my phone. She is saved in my contacts as My Ferret 😍😈❤️.

I begin to text her and then delete it. I sit my phone down. For a few seconds, I think I am strong enough, but I found myself typing her contact name all over again.

Me: hey Maya, I just realized you left your dress from last night in my room. I don't know if I'm gonna be able to give it back. It looks so good on me. It really accentuates my curves😉

My Ferret 😍😈❤️: Hmmm...I don't know Boing. Without a pic of you in that dress how could I really be sure that it looks that good on you. I mean come and I both know how hot i looked last night 😋

Me: you are some high competition, but trust me, I look sexy af in it. And if you don't trust me, why don't you come on over and really check it out. Pictures don't do me justice.

My Ferret 😍😈❤️: As tempting as the offer is, I'm gonna have to pass. I'm not that easy to seduce😉

Me: I beg to differ. Come over and I'll prove to you that you can't resist me in this dress😂

My Ferret 😍😈❤️: Goodbye Boing 😂 have fun seducing yourself in that dress. Bring it to the rehearsal dinner if I don't see you before then. Or better yet where it...I dare you 😂

Oh god. Why is she teasing me? This whole thing has been so hot and cold since I've seen her. One minute she's ignoring me, then I'm taking care of her, then I'm kissing her, then I'm being ignored and swerved, then she's flirting with me. I need her and want her so bad.

Maya's POV

What am I doing? Why am I giving in? I always give in. I shouldn't have answered that text. But just talking to him is giving me butterflies.

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