Chapter 92

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Maya's POV

"Maya," he said sternly. "You're barely holding it together. Talk to me."

I sniffled back the tears, bringing myself back to composure.

"I swear it can wait Josh. I'm good. See?" I said, trying to convince him and myself simultaneously.

"You're not good. I know you, Maya."

"Can you stop that?" I felt anger rise up within me. My cheeks suddenly a fiery red. "Stop acting like you know everything about me. Stop acting like you've been around in the last couple years to even know what's going on. Things change, Josh. Time didn't stop when you left. Things have changed."

I could seem him wince at my words. I could finally see behind Josh's cool exterior again; his being gone might have had a bigger impact on him than I thought. 

"Everything's changing," I felt my words soften, revealing to Josh what has been bothering me most, but not without letting a tear escape.

He took his thumb and wiped a way the tear with a single swoop. I turn my head, feeling myself but my guard back up.

But this time, Josh knew better than to press me on the situation. He knew that we still had the whole night ahead and that whatever I was feeling wasn't going to be resolved in one night. And despite what I had just said to him, Josh did know me.

"So I spoke to the DJ. Here's the game plan," Josh started.

I nodded to show him I was paying attention and for him to continue.

"When it's our turn, I am going to walk in with a microphone. As you enter, I'll do a little beat box on the mic. Once you are halfway down the aisle, the DJ is gonna loop my beatboxing as I do a little rap version of 'Donut in the Sky' and you, my dear," he pointed excited at me. "Will be shaking it to Topanga's oh-so-interesting dance moves."

"You can beatbox?" I asked impressed by this fun fact.

"What can I say?" he shrugged. "I'm a man of many talents," he winked.

"Gross," I playful hit his stomach at the suggestive comment.

"I didn't mean it that way sicko," Josh pretended to be appalled by my interpretation of his response. "I meant like I can play baseball, I can braid hair, I make a mean Mac n cheese, I can hoola hoop with a spoon on my nose, I can beatbox, and I can sing." 

"First of all, you can't sing. You sound like a tone-deaf whale. Second of all, you can braid hair too?! Where have you been hiding these supposed talents?" I exclaimed.

"Reconsidering the whole just be friends thing?" he smirked.

"Nope," I popped the 'p' and grabbed his hand, dragging him out of the bridal suite. 

"Woah," he seemed taken back by my slightly aggressive pull. "You don't wanna practice at all?"

"Nah, all we need is another drink and to relax before this. Tonight is about fun," I think I was surprising even myself with my initiative to push aside all the other shit that was going on. 

Fun. I mouthed back to myself. That's all I need to keep reminding myself tonight.

We order two drinks from the bar in the cocktail hour room and proceeded to shuffle around the room and mingle with the guests. 

I gotta say, our co-mingling together did seem a bit coupley, but it was nice to have Josh leading conversations. The kid could talk forever. And besides, I needed a buddy tonight and Josh was just about the only option. It was him or Nana Booboo and she was losing it even more now that she was well into her hundreds now. 

"So how long have you two been tog--" 

Josh cut off the man. 

"Oh we're not together. Just great friends. You remember right? Maya is Riley's best friend and a close friend of mine since we were little," Josh spoke on our behalf.

"Actually, it was great talking to you, but we better get ready for the intro. I'll see you inside," Josh gave the white haired man a tight hug.

I mimicked his actions and hugged the man, "It was great to see you again. I'll have to steal a dance with you inside."

Josh and I walked away to go meet up with the rest of the bridal party, "Who was that again?" 

"Uncle Arnold. He's the one who sits in the corner at all the big family parties playing card games while sipping on whiskey neat," Josh reminded me.

"Assume your positions people. Get in order!" a tipsy Riley slurred. 

She was Topanga's daughter for sure.

The workers at the venue opened the doors to the dining/ballroom and everyone shuffled in besides the bridal party. 

"I hope everyone remembers what they are doing for their intro!" Riley clasped her hands together. 

"Intro?! We had to do one of those?" Jack said and Rachel looked at him worriedly. 

It's About Time (GMW - Joshaya)Where stories live. Discover now