Chapter 80

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Maya's POV

I looked at the screen to see who is was: Josh. I really should get around to changing his name or at least change some of the emojis.

Boing 😍🙈👅: hey friend☺️ just wanted to let you know that I'm gonna try getting some info about the Lucas/Rachel thing out of Eric tomorrow morning at breakfast. I should be free anytime after that? Also, should I nonchalantly try to see if I can get any info out of Lucas? I mean I know he doesn't know and I don't wanna tip him off yet, but maybe there is something he can tell us that will help. 

Me: hey! yea that would be great and just come by Topanga's whenever you're done talking to them and we can collect and evaluate whatever we got and see if we can piece it together.

Boing 😍🙈👅: awesome! I'll see you tomorrow. Night ferret 😴

Me: Goodnight Uncle Boing 😌

I definitely was in over my head. There was no way that this friend thing between Josh and I was gonna be easy. I mean I'd be lying if I said I didn't still have feelings for him. I mean everything between us has always been so unresolved. I've never really gotten my closure. Today was the closest thing that I have gotten to closure with him, but it's not like those feelings were gonna disappear in a matter of hours. 

Despite the anticipation of the hectic day ahead of me tomorrow, I turned back on the lamp on my nightstand and grabbed my sketchpad and pencil from the top drawer of it. I wasn't quite as tired anymore and I was feeling inspired again. 

Besides the paintings I had just finished a couple days ago as a surprise wedding gift for Cory and Topanga, I hadn't really been doing any drawing lately. But it felt good to be drawing again. I didn't really know what I was drawing, but I kind of just let the pencil do the talking as I began to draw lines and shapes on the paper in front of me. No thinking, just feeling.

I kept sketching on the paper until my eyes grew heavy and I gave into the temptation of the night. And when I did surrender, I tucked my sketchpad and pencil back in the drawer, turned off the light, and snuggled up in my blanket to keep warm from the cool air rushing from the vent in the ceiling.

***Also,I forgot to ask you guys where you think they should do they vacation home (New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina--could do Florida too) give me you opinions below.

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