Chapter 19

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Maya's POV

I woke up with a dull stomach ache from all the cookies I ate last night, but it didn't really matter because I couldn't stop smiling this morning. It was a good day. The sun was shining, it was unusually warm for a November day, Riley and Lucas were doing well, and I am meeting Josh later.

I don't know why but I got butterflies just thinking about it all. Just two days ago, I was waking up dreading this week. It really wasn't going as bad as I expected. And I'll deny it if anyone ever asks, but I'm actually starting to get excited for this wedding. I mean it was Cory and Topanga's day, and things for me might not be so awful either. 

I rolled over in bed and looked at my phone. 8 unopened messages.

The first one was from my mom.

Momma🐻: Hey baby girl, just wanted to remind you that you have to confirm you hair and makeup appointment for Saturday.

The second message was from Farkle.

Genius Boy🌎👑: Do me a favor...PLEASE! I need to you find out what Smackle wants for her birthday. Riley won't do it. She said she is violating "girl code" and that I need to figure it out by myself.

Then, I had two messages from Riley.

Smiley Riley💜🐱: I went to the store to pick up some groceries from the list. If you can think of anything else lmk.

Smiley Riley💜🐱: yea and I'll be back around 1:45. We are  getting lunch with Smackle. Be ready!

It was already 1:00 pm. Wow. I sure do know how to sleep in. 

And lastly, Josh. 4 unopened messages. Real subtle Joshie...

Boing😍🙈👅: Goodmorning Gorgeous😍

Boing😍🙈👅: Playing hard to get I see...

Boing😍🙈👅: Well in that case, I'll see you tonight. Cory and Topanga are going out tonight and Auggie is taking Ava to see a play tonight, so how about a nice home-cooked dinner first?

Boing😍🙈👅: Can't wait to see you later💕

I swear I'm blushing right now because I feel a burning sensation on my cheeks.

I jumped out of bed alarmingly fast. Riley was gonna be home soon, and the sooner I was ready, the sooner we will leave, and the sooner we leave, the sooner we get back. And I needed as much time as possible to get ready for tonight.

So I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth vigorously. I touched up my face with some concealer and a slab of mascara on each eye. That would do for now. Then, returning to my room, I ripped open my dresser drawer, picked out the first thing I saw, and got dressed. It was a pair of leggings, a slouchy red sweater, and matching black moccasins that were laying on the floor by my dresser. I threw my hair up in a messy bun with the hair piece on my wrist.

I suddenly remember Josh pulling my hair back into a pony tail the other night and goosebumps cover my arms. A chill travels down my spine.

"Maya! I'm home! Are you ready?" Riley called as she walked in the door.

"Yea, just a sec," I replied. I pulled my black beanie over my head and went to go meet Riley in the kitchen. I helped her finish unpacking the groceries, and just like that, we were out the door on our way to meet Smackle. 

Smackle and Farkle had been living together for nearly a year. Who would've thought those two would be on the fast track?! They were really cute together, in a cheesy, sappy, genius love kind of way. Over the years, Smackle definitely got comfortable showing her affection towards Farkle. It was actually amazing to see how much my little chipmunk had grown over the years.

We walked down to SoHo to met Smackle at Ruby's Cafe. On the way, Riley gave me all the juicy details of her and Lucas's night, not leaving out one detail, unfortunately. 

Once we were there, the three of us sat there teetering on what to get to eat.

"I give up! I'm getting the Whaley's Burger again! It is too good to resist," I said in defeat. The pineapple, fried egg, lettuce, and ketchup made the burger heavenly. I always want to try something new when I come here but it is just soon addicting.

"I think I'm gonna get the Chicken Avocado Salad. I don't wanna eat too much. Lucas and I are gonna go out to dinner tonight. His treat," Riley's said clapping her hands together.

"Smackle, what are you thinking?"

"I think I need to break up with Farkle!" she blurted out.

I nearly spit out my coke on Riley's white shirt.

"What?!" we said in unison.

"I think he is cheating on me," she said tears collecting in her eyes.

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