Chapter 60

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Maya's POV

Ding. Dong.

I quickly jumped up and swung open the door. 

"Did falling off that bull years ago make you lose some brain cells, Cowboy?" 

"What?" he looked at me confused.

"Uhh, hello? Farkle is sleeping upstairs. The goal is to try and not attract attention to us right now," I said, the answer seeming obvious to Smackle and I.

"Why the fuck is he sleeping right now? I just assumed he wasn't home," Lucas explained his thought process.

"Because...he has a meeting..." Smackle began.

 " the middle of the night, blah, blah, blah. You get the deal. You have one of those boring job things," I finished.

We were still standing at the door. None of us had moved. 

"Well, uhh. I guess I'm just gonna have to invite myself in," Lucas teased, taking a step forward into the loft.

"Oh yea, sorry. Come in. My mind has been in another place lately. Smackle bit her bottom lip, causing it to become plumper and redder.

"You ready?" I looked at her knowing that the answer was no.

"I don't really have a choice. This isn't just about me and about Farkle. It could be about the new little life too. And besides, Ayn Rand once said that you can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of reality."

"Isn't that the Holly chick from the show The Office?" I asked.

Both Lucas and Smackle looked at me with confused expressions.

"Ya know the one that dated Michael Scott?" I finished my thoughts.

"You mean Amy Ryan? The girl who plays Holly Flax?" Lucas corrected me.

"Who?" Smackle was even more confused now.

"Have you never seen The Office?!" Lucas and I shouted in unison.

"...No..." she hesitated to respond to our question.

"I'm sorry what?!" I gasped.

"You're a disgrace," Lucas added.

"How do you expect to be potentially ready for another human life without seeing that show?" I teased trying to lighten the mood.

"No matter what the test says, you have no excuse not to watch that show. I do not even know how you function in day to day life without having experienced the miracle of this show," Lucas exaggerated.

"Oh come on, no mockumentry  comedy show can have enough substance or intellectual status for a genuinely intelligent human being," she said, dissing the show's quality.

"Enough with this nonsense. We can't be friends if you don't watch it," I pouted.

"Fine," she giggled. "I'll watch it, but only under one condition."

"Aww, you mean I actually have to do work to get you to do something that is in reality gonna benefit you," I let out a whine.

"Exactly," Smackle smiled deviously. "But I haven't decided what that thing is yet. So you'll just have to trust me if this is something you're passionate about."

"Fine, for The Office... I'll do it," I muttered.

"Lucas?" she directed her attention toward him.

"Fine," he answered lamely.

"But seriously, Amy Ryan," I began.

"Ayn Rand," Lucas corrected me.

"Same thing," I shrugged.

"Not really,  but continue," he waved me on.

"Anyways, I think it's time to pee on the stick before Farkle gets up for his meeting," I held out the white bag full of the three different tests that Smackle had purchased earlier today.

"His meeting isn't for another couple of hours," Smackle pointed out.

"At the rate we're going, we will still be sitting here when he gets up," I shot her a knowing look as to tell her it is time to take the test.

"Maya is right, it's time," he squeezed her hand to let her know that everything was gonna be okay.

She grabbed the bag from my hand and began to walk toward the bathroom. I watched her petite body shake as she approached the bathroom door. She struggled to open the door knob for a second before she was able to conquer the cold, shiny knob. Smackle closed the door behind her.

About a minute later she walked out the bathroom door empty handed.

"Set the timer for five minutes." Her voice was hoarse and I could detect the fear in it.

Lucas obeyed, using the timer on his phone.

The three of us sat in silence. Lucas and I on either side of Smackle. The two of us gripped tightly on either hand of Smackle.

I could see she was tired. I noticed the dark circles around her eyes that usually only appeared after a stressful couple of days. This was definitely a stressful situation to say the least.

Another couple of minutes passed and the alarm gave a soft muffled ring from Lucas's pocket. 

He reached in to silence the alarm.

"Well, I guess this is it," Smackle said, standing up.

Lucas and I followed behind. We waited outside the door as Smackle took the first peek. A second later she held up the three different tests.

None of us said anything, instead we just hugged.

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