Chapter 27 Part 2

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Maya's POV Flash Back to about 3 years and 3 months ago--Disney World Family/Friends Vacation

Dun dun dun dun dun....dun dun dun dun dun. I stretched across my bed and scrambled to find my phone on my nightstand so I could silence the dreadful alarm. I knocked the tv remote off the nightstand in the process, frightening me a little with the loud crashing sound. 

That was the shortest half hour "sleep" ever. It felt like I was asleep for a minute...tops. 

But nonetheless, I swung my feet off the bed and onto the cold hardwood floor. Let's fucking go...I'm so pumped for Disney! 

I slid on my black Old Navy flip flops that were beside my bed and ran to the bathroom quickly to check my hair and makeup. It didn't have to look perfect, I was going on a plane after all, but I wanted to look somewhat presentable. Otherwise, I'm gonna be scaring people away with my Godzilla-like hair and face. Alright it wasn't that bad, but my mascara was slightly smudged and my hair needed to be tamed with a brush.

"Maya, we are leaving in five. You better be outside and in the car with you stuff," my mom shouted from the hallway.

"Okay! I'll be ready in a minute," I reassured her.

"Oh, and make sure you have your boarding pass. We'll be outside."

Once I finished pulling myself together, I sprayed my Vanilla Lace Victoria's Secret spray on my neck and wrists, grabbed my suitcase and boarding pass, and headed downstairs. My mom and Shawn were waiting for me downstairs in his new black Honda Civic.

"Hey bud, let me help get that in the car for you," Shawn grabbed my suitcase off my hand and threw it in the trunk. As he slammed the trunk shut, he said, "Make sure you text Zay and tell him that we are on our way to pick him up."

"Got it!"

Zay was driving to Philly with us, Riley and her family were taking Lucas, and Farkle and Smackle were already in Florida visiting Smackle's grandparents.

A couple minutes later, we pulled up in front of Zay's place. Before I could even text him to let him know that we were outside, he came flying out the door. He was practically running. Only Zay would have this much energy at like 1:30 in the morning. He was like a walking human dose of 5-Hour Energy. He kind of had that affect on everyone around him too. It was impossible not to be energetic around him.

Shawn popped the trunk from inside the car and Zay swung his suitcase inside, squeezing it tight.He gave it a few pushes before it was all the way in; it was definitely a snug fit with the rest of our suitcases.

He shut the trunk and opened the door. He climbed in and buckled up. "Good morning Shawn, Katy, Maya. Thanks for the ride. Let's go explore a whole new world in Disney!" His voice was chipper as he referenced the Disney movie Aladdin. 

"No problem, Zay. Happy to have you aboard," Shawn answered and my mom smiled sweetly. She always thought that Zay was a charmer. And he was, but he was Zay and I was Maya. We were best friends, that was all. 

But to be honest, I started getting the impression that he had some sort of legit feelings for me a couple months ago. It all started the night of Josh's graduation when Farkle dared me to kiss him. I just got this weird vibe after that night that Farkle knew something. It was as if he was meddling, trying to help Zay confess his feelings. Kind of like what he did with Riley and Lucas on New Years Eve that one time.

He gave me a smile as he sang along to the radio. He leaned over into my lap for a second and looked up at me still singing the words into his pretend microphone. I couldn't help, but laugh because it really was hysterical. But this was part of it, he was all the more touchy feely with me. I didn't mind, but I didn't want him to get the wrong impression.

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