Chapter 71

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Maya's POV

Following the plethora of hors d'oeuvres and plenty of mingling, everyone commenced settling into their seats as Cory tapped on the microphone the venue provided him.

Topanga snuggled into his side, beaming from ear to ear.

Josh took a stride towards the seat next to me, and then, as if being controlled by a magnet, glided to the seat that was two spots over. I attempted to cover up my observation, but I am not so sure I was successful because I felt his eyes wander over to me. 

"Hello everyone! I just wanted to thank all of you on behalf of Topanga and I. We appreciate all of you that have taken the time to be here with us on the eve of our wedding anniversary. It is all of you that have made us all feel so loved over the years, and have helped us flourish as individuals and as a family. Thanks to all of you for believing in our love as much as we always have and always will. And I hope that the idea of us hasn't ruined love for too many of you guys," the two of them cackled at the inside joke that erupted from a lovesick Auggie many years ago.

I took another monumental sip of my beer. Cory and Topanga definitely ruined the idea of love for me--a love like their's was like a unicorn. Magical and unattainable. That was more up Riley's alley. Maybe her and Lucas would one day be an iconic couple for generations to come because thats just how Riley was.

"But on a serious note," Topanga snatched the microphone out of Cory's hand. "None of this would have been possible without all of you guiding us everyday." 

Cory coughed Mr. Feeny's name into the microphone which caused a booming outbreak of laughter amongst the room. 

"And also for all of you that have helped us get the wedding day that we have always dreamed that doesn't end in a jail cell," Topanga winked and tilted her class to Eric, who reciprocated the gesture.

"We love all of you. And hope that you use tonight to relax after the chaos of all the wedding planning and before the night of the wedding. And take this opportunity to intermingle with all of the people that we love that you might not otherwise have an opportunity to meet with. So enjoy the food, conversation, and music. To tonight!" Cory raised his glittery champagne glass into the air and waited for everyone else to follow his direction with their own drinks.

"To tonight!" everyone bellowed before taking a sip of their beverages.

I took a long hard swig of my drink until it was empty.

People were emerging from their seats to resume previous conversation and small talk.

I smothered my last pigs in a blanket in the pool of honey mustard on my plate and then popped it in my mouth. 

I was chewing my food when a cautious Josh approached me. I figured that he had already spoken to McKenzie at this point, but I am curious as to what they told each other.

"Look Maya," his head was hung down low and his hands hid in his dress pants. "Before you say anything. I just wanna say I'm sorry," he paused for a moment. His foot was nervously tracing the floor. "About everything," he clarified. "Which we can go into detail another day...when you are ready of course."

I was trying my best to swiftly finish chewing my food, but I was having trouble swallowing in my now dry throat. When I didn't say anything, he proceeded to talk.

"I promise. I'll stop bothering you and charming you," Josh said.

"You mean trying to charm me," I muttered through a mouthful of food.

"Oh please. We all know how charming I am. I don't even have to try," he picked a piece of lint of his shirt, pretending to be unaffected by my correction. 

Our conversation fell mute for a second before I looked up and gave him an approving smile of his joke.

I knew after my conversation with McKenzie that it was one thing for me to be a hard ass  and stick my ground by not letting Josh suck me in, but it was another to be a straight up bitch. 

"We were once good friends. And I know that I probably don't deserve your trust or pardon for the weekend, but let's have fun this weekend for old time's sake. I'll back off, but with whatever time we do spend together this weekend, let's make it a good time. Drama free. So what do you say, let me buy you a drink? To friendship?" Josh cocked his head in the direction of the bar.

"It's an open bar you idiot," I gave him a stern look to jokingly call his bluff.

"Let me order you a drink then?" he held his hand out to me. "Or are you too afraid that I'll successfully charm you," he quirked his eyebrow at me.

I panned my gaze so that our eyes locked. And for a instant, it did really feel like old times, like two friends just talking, but then, I subconsciously squinted my eyes, unsure of whether or not I should accept his temporary ceasefire.

As he began to withdraw his hand, I gripped it. 

Unfolding my legs carefully, he used his hand to help me up.

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