Chapter 82

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Maya's POV

I pulled a stool to the island so that I could sit down. Immediately, I texted Lucas remembering that I never told him that I didn't need him today anymore.

Me: Hey. I just wanted to let you know that I don't need your help anymore today. I know you have a lot to do and Josh is gonna come by and help. We are working on being friends and all, so I figured this was a first good step.

Cowboy🐴: Are you positive? I'm not too busy if you need me. The meetings I had today were cancelled, so I can come whenever.

Cowboy🐴: Also, speaking of Josh, he actually just got to my apartment now haha. He texted me last night and asked if I wanted to hang out. Kinda random, but whatever.

Me: I'm positive; it'll be good for us to get to talking again. We gotta be able to be friends if he's gonna keep being Riley's uncle haha. but thanks so much Ranger Rick. Love ya. And have fun with Josh. Remind him to get the ingredients I need.

Cowboy🐴: Of course! just let me know if you need me or change your mind.

I put my phone down and got to work. I know I couldn't do too much without the rest of the ingredients, but I figured that I should hustle a little because this was a big cake and I'm sure I'm not gonna be able to work hours straight without taking breaks.

🤠🤠I finished prepping for the cake by getting out all the pans and utensils I was gonna need to make it. 

Next, I grabbed some pizza dough. Just like Topanga taught me, I took out a medium-sized shallow bowl and coated it in flour, covering it in plastic wrap to allow it to rise.

The clock read 12:11 p.m. I had been here for almost an hour and I had barely accomplished anything. The stress in me began to rise as I thought about all that had to be done with this cake. 

I knew Josh was gonna be at Lucas's for a little while before getting here with the ingredients I needed, but I couldn't wait. I began mixing all of the cake ingredients besides the cocoa powder and the vanilla; I had 7 bowls worth of this cake mix. I still found myself in awe of how big this cake was gonna be.  

Then, I used the electric mixer until the contents in the several bowls of cream cheese icing were a light, fluffy, creamy consistency. I stuck my pinky in one of the bowls to get a taste to see if it needs more of anything. Nope. Perfect. All it needed was the vanilla and that was just gonna have to wait until Josh was here.

Between the excessive amount of cake mix and icing that I had to make, about another hour was eaten in this time.

I covered each of the cake mix and icing bowls in plastic wrap and stowed them away in the refrigerator so that they stayed chilled and didn't go bad, sitting out for a while. With all of the stuff stocked in the fridge, I had to rearrange and stack a few things for all of these bowls to fit.

Clearly, I didn't plan this out to well because I began to wonder where I was going to fit the cake after it was done; it needed to refrigerate over night. We had two commercial fridges here at Topanga's, but most of the shelves were occupied by ingredients we needed to bake fresh goods for customers. I pulled up the stool I was previously sitting on and grabbed the garbage can. I sat in front of the fridge for what felt like forever, going through the ingredients. First, I checked the dates on all of the ingredients to make sure that nothing was expired. 

Usually, the kitchen staff did this every morning when they came in to ensure that we had the freshest ingredients, but we were closed and were going to remain closed throughout the weekend so I figured I might as well take a look.

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