Chapter 100 Part 1

190 7 3

Josh's POV

When we reached the hardwood dance floor, I lifted our hands high into the air, signaling Maya to spin.

Her gray dress swept the floor as she followed my lead. I drew her in close to my chest, guiding her with my hand placed carefully on her lower back. She took my left hand and delicated laced her hand with mine. Her other hand was placed gently on my chest. I was embarassed at the thought of her potentially feeling how rapidly my heart was fluttering through my suit jacket and dress shirt. Which if I'm being honest with myself, I think that only made matters worse.

She must have noticed because she let out a giggled and her eyes diverted away from me. 

"Looks Like Riley is getting that special dance with Lucas that she wanted," Maya broke the silence between us with her words. 

My eyes followed hers over a ways where Riley's head was set perfectly in the groove of Lucas's neck.

I could see in her eyes that all she wanted was to be loved with the same immensity in which she gave love to others. It broke my heart thinking about all of the times I took that away from her.

"Maya, I'm sorry," I blurted out. "And before you say anything, I'm sure you are sick of hearing me say it. I---I'm sick of hearing me say it," I stuttered. "I just want to be the man you hoped I would be. The man of his words. The man who shows how much he means what he said when he said how much he cared about you and wanted you to believe in us. And the man who doesn't say stupid shit he doesn't mean just because he, himself, is tired and hurt. I'm sorry. I never ever should have raised my voice at you. That's not the man I want to be--that's not the man I am going to be. And honestly, I get it. I get if you want to be with someone like that guy who was here tonight. Hell, if I was 8 inches shorter, had longer hair, and went by Jocelyn, I would probably go for him, too. Promise me one thing. Please live your life, Maya. Do the things you want to do because I know that you can do just about anything you want to. You are Maya Penelope Hart. I'll be out there; I'll be cheering for you every step of the way. I know I said it the other day, but I'll say it again. I'm not going anywhere. Because you, you're my life Maya. I'm really am in this for the long game."

She swiped a loose strand of my hair out of my face and rested her head down on my chest. I bit back the smile on my face as our bodies moved rhythmically as one.

She slowly shifted her head up toward me so that our eyes could meet.

"Ya know. You told me before to do the things I really want to do. I just gotta say. I'm really thankful," Maya spoke softly.

"For what?" I said, raising an eyebrow, puzzled by her words.

"That you're not my uncle," she kinked an eyebrow back.

"And why's that?" I bit my lower lip suggestively.

Turning around to face me, she enveloped my face in both her hands, "Because otherwise I couldn't do this."

Her soft, pink, plump lips caught me off-guard, but instinctively, I pressed her even closer to my body. Our lips intertwined, dancing more than the rest of our bodies were. Tugging at it a little, her hands wrapped through my curls. It sent an intoxicating shiver down my spine. I just wanted more. More of her lips. More of her tongue. More of her body pressed against mine. More of Maya.

Helplessly, a smile drew on my face and hers to match.

I mustered up the courage to say what had been on my mind since first hearing those lyrics. "So for Cory and Topanga, huh?" 

I smoothed out her pursed lips with a peck on the lips.

Maya let her head drop so that she was facing the floor. "Shut up, Boing."

I kissed the top of her head affectionately, wanting a little bit more. But it wasn't enough. I lifted her chin to kiss those lips just one more time.

I didn't understand how it was possible to be so close to someone, but yet, it still wasn't enough.

Suddenly, she yanked my hand, dragging me off the dance floor.

"Maya," I laughed. "Where are you taking me?"

She dragged me all the way out of sight from the minimum 250 people in the ballroom.

She didn't say a word. She just smiled back at me, pulling me further and further away from the outside noise. We rounded the corner from the ballroom doors, stopping at a set of deep bronze wooden doors.

"Maya," was the only thing I could manage to say. I was too distracted by the way she tasted and smelled. I closed my eyes to take it all in.

"Joshua," she reciprocated. "Joshua Gabriel," her hand caressed my face, lining the cheek bone. "I miss you. I miss you so much it hurts," she thoughtfully took my hand in hers before placing it on her heart. 

"I miss you, too," I layed my forehead against hers in defeat.

She leaned in to kiss me again before opening the doors and closing them quietly behind us. Maya turned her back to me as if she was scared to miss another moment; her hand shook as I heard the lock slide into place.

But I couldn't wait for her to turn around. I needed my arms around her; so I slid my hands around her tiny waist and kissed her cheek. She glided around until she was facing me again. 

"Josh," her face looked hopeless. Like she didn't know how to put her thoughts into words.

I pressed my lips against hers, yearning for a little bit of her taste.

"I am so in love with you, Maya Penelope Hart. I've been in love with you since we were kids. Maybe even before I knew what love was. I've been in love with you since those playdates in the sandbox when you would come to Philly. I've been in love with you since I saw you killing it on the dance floor at Riley's communion to Cupid's Shuffle. I've been in love with you since that Christmas when we saw each other after so many years. I've been in love with you since you noticed me for who I was, not just the exterior. Since you bared yourself to me even though I knew it was hard for you. And you didn't do it once, or twice. You were never afraid to show me how much you could love. I've loved you since graduations, family parties, move-in days. I've loved you since those big moments. But even more importantly, I loved you since all the small moments: the cupcake fights, the tag teaming to help our friends, every single moment in between. I am in love with you because you see me, because you believe in us, because you are my best friend, because you are my nurse whenever I'm hurt--we both know my ankle wasn't going to heal itself.  I love you because you are smart, because you make me laugh, because you are talented, because you are beautiful...Maya I could go on. I don't even know what to do with this feeling." 

I realized my hands were shaking at this point.

"Maya," I muttered with my lips practically on hers. "I am in love with you."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2020 ⏰

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