Chapter 27 Part 9

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Maya's POV Flashback to about 3 years and 3 months ago--Disney World Family/Friends Vacation

"Fuck, when did we become one of those gooey sap couples like Riley and Lucas," the word 'couple' slipped out of my mouth without me even realizing it. To be fair, I didn't quite know what to call us, but the word slipped out of my mouth and now I'm just hoping that he doesn't take it the wrong way or get freaked out.

Normally, it was me that got freaked out and would abort the mission anytime something was about to happen between us, but I don't know. Whatever this thing was between us was new and fragile and still a secret. What if he realizes that he doesn't want an "us," and he just likes the secrets and games. Or worse, what if it's just me that he doesn't want. My mind could literally think of a million different ways that this can go wrong. Thankfully though, Josh snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Couple, huh?"

"I didn't mean it like that, Josh..." 

"So how did you mean it then?" he nudged my shoulder.

"Oh shut up!" I smacked his rock hard abs, probably hurting my hand more than his stomach.

"But I mean if we were a couple we could do this all the time."

"Do what--" I began before his lips shut me up. 

"This," he said proudly and kissed me again. And again. And again. He kissed me again but this time he sucked on my neck me to moan involuntarily. "We can do this whenever and wherever if we are a couple. Even in public," he let out fake girly gasp. "But ya know, this isn't a bad deal. We become a couple and I get to do this," he kissed me again. 

I faked making myself gag at the sappiness. 

"Fine, your loss then," he pouted his pink plump lips.

"Not really. You taste like beer. It's like I'm kissing an lazy old man who just chugged about 3 beers after work and sits around in a guinea tee with his hand down his pants. I'll pass."

"No way! Maybe this will change your mind," he kissed me again, with tongue this time. I kissed him back briefly and modestly. I was enjoying torturing this boy.

"No, I'm still getting the fat, lazy, old man vibe."

"Now I'm fat, lazy, AND old. Jeez Maya, I don't know how you used to fawn over me all the's exhausting. I need a nap after this," he slouched his body onto mine as if he needed me for actual support.

"See, you've already got the lazy old drunk man part down. Throw you in a guinea tee and you've nailed the part," I sneered.

"I'm done taking your abuse," he headed out the villa door, pretending to be upset. 

I followed him out the door and jumped on his back surprising him. 

"Get off me, you little ferret!" he joked. 

I strained my head around and twisted his so that I could kiss him. "Do I have to?" I gave him my best puppy dog face, opening my eyes wide and pouting my lips.

"Fine. You're so lucky that I am the gracious and forgiving person that I am," he quickly pecked my lips, and I hopped off his back. I wrapped my arms around him in a hug as we walked to head back to Hollywood Studios.

By the time we got to the park and past the entrance, it was almost dinner time, so we decided to just meet everyone at the Indiana Jones Theater. 

"I guess we will just wait outside until they get here," Josh took charge. The two of us leaned against the green railing outside.

"I can't believe this trip is over. I never want it to end. And to think, I had gone my whole life thus far, without going to Disney. You're so lucky. I never had this as a kid," I admitted jealously.

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