Chapter 25 Part 3

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(Continued Josh's POV Flashback to 3 1/2 years ago--Josh's Graduation Weekend)

We walked without saying a word, as Maya and I walked to meet everyone out in the backyard. Once she helped me reach the bottom of the kitchen stairs, I slipped the NYU sweatshirt I got for myself over my head. Doing so, I lost my balance slightly; Maya grabbed me to steady me. Again, we remained quiet and exchanged soft smiles.

We continued out to the backyard where everyone was sitting around the fire pit. Everyone was already situated, leaving only the old, worn-in green couch that has been in this backyard for like forever; for its age, it has surprisingly held its own. It wasn't that it was awkward that Maya and I were just kissing like an hour ago, but we hadn't even talked about it yet. And here we are now, sitting next to each other in front of all of our friends, and my niece, who just so happened to also be her best friend. I didn't really know what to take from what just happened between us.

Noah passed me some supplies to make 'Smores. I grabbed two sticks from his hand, stabbed marshmallows with the sticks, and handed one to Maya. The two of us joined everyone in the roasting of marshmallows. 

I took a deep breath and took in the scene. Noah and Shailene were sitting next to me on my right. They were sitting on a wooden bench, sharing fleece blanket. The two of them giggled at each others' silliness because Noah accidentally lit his marshmallow on fire, burning it to a crisp, and Shailene's marshmallow fell into the fire as she laughed. I'm so glad that these two were happy right now, and I prayed that it stay that way. Next to them, sat Julian and McKenzie on another wooden bench. I swear these two might as well get married; they have been friends since they were babies--I'm pretty sure they know each other better than they know themselves. They sat there reminiscing about their childhood with Ryan who sat on the other side of them. I respected them. They weren't the type of couple that completely forgot about their friends. To my left, past Maya, sat Farkle and Smackle on a wooden bench. To be honest, I could barely understand a word of what they were saying; mixed up in their conversation was boughs of scientific terms and big words that were too much for my brain to handle. But I really loved the two of them together, it was playful and sweet. Farkle's arm was wrapped around Smackle, bringing her close to him. Lastly, sat Zay in a bungee chair, and Riley and Lucas in an oversized outdoor chair that matched the couch Maya and I were sitting on. They were sitting right across from me. Riley sat angled on Lucas's lap. The three of them were eating their 'Smores while Lucas and Zay talked about baseball. Riley was talking to Maya across the be honest I couldn't even concentrate long enough to hear what they were talking about because I noticed that Lucas's hand was wandering around Riley's thigh.

I will fucking kill him if he takes advantage of my niece. 

I shake the overprotective thoughts and realize that I need to calm down. They have been dating since freshman year, and Riley wasn't the type of girl to let a boy take advantage of her. It was still weird though because she was my little niece, and I didn't like the thought of Lucas feeling her up, especially in front of me.

I became uneasy again as I remembered that Maya and I had just kissed and here we were with everyone else who were oblivious as to what just happened. The warmth of Maya's leg against mine sent a chill up my spine. 

"Are you okay Josh? You seem a little off," Maya asked quietly as she turned to face me. 

"Uhh yea," I hesitated.

"Let's play a game," Riley suggested loud enough to get everyone's attention.

"Truth or Dare?" Farkle added.

"That's so clichè," Maya pointed out.

"Ehh, so what? It's fun," Farkle persisted. "Plus, we have some beers in the cooler over there."

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