Chapter 27 Part 3

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Maya's POV Flash Back to about 3 years and 3 months ago--Disney World Family/Friends Vacation

The adults went out food shopping after they dropped their stuff off at their rooms.

Us kids continued to get ready until they were ready to unpack the groceries. We stopped what we were doing and dispersed the food amongst the rooms. Once we finished, everyone continued to get ready for tonight's dinner at the Be Our Guest Restaurant. 

Farkle and Smackle arrived around the same time the adults got back from shopping which was about 2pm

While Riley, Smackle, and I were unpacking, we all realized that we had Belle inspired outfits, so we decided to wear them tonight. We had fun getting ready, we helped each other do out hair and makeup. It was like a girls day, we haven't had one of these in a while. 

Riley and Smackle talked for like 10 minutes each about Lucas and Farkle respectively. Damn, they really had a lot to say.

"So Maya, I was thinking...How about you and Ryan? I mean you and Uncle Josh never really did anything about being more than friends. Plus, he's not my uncle," Riley pressed.

"Really, Ryan? I was thinking Zay for Maya," Smackle intercepted before I could answer.

Okay, Zay definitely liked me. There is no way that Smackle would've suggested that without proper reasoning. She was all about rationality.

"Guys, I don't need to be set up with a guy. Besides, I have my eye on this one guy," I hinted, hoping that they would drop the issue. But they didn't.

"OMG WHAT PEACHES?! Is he from NYU?" Riley practically screamed.

"Shhhh...yes he is," wow I was really getting away with a technicality.

"Do we know him?" Smackle asked.

"Maybe..." I was saved by Farkle who walked by the room to see how we were doing.

"Hey babe...can you take some pictures of us in a minute when I finish Maya's hair?" 

"Sure, who better to ask to be your photographer than someone who knows all about angles. I know how to identify a-cute angles," Farkle laughed at his own pun.

Unfortunately, for Farkle, he became our photographer for the last 30 minutes before we left because we needed to take the perfect picture to capture tonight.

Unfortunately, for Farkle, he became our photographer for the last 30 minutes before we left because we needed to take the perfect picture to capture tonight

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Riley's Outfit (tan flats instead of heals)

Smackle's Outfit

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Smackle's Outfit

Smackle's Outfit

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My Outfit

The group headed down to the bus stop to go to Magic Kingdom. Wow. We were definitely an overwhelming group because the few other people waiting there looked terrified. We were rowdy but they were just going to have to deal with that.

When the bus came, we loaded on. The drive felt like forever, but we eventually made it to Magic Kingdom. As I walked off the bus stairs, I tripped on a long lace from my flats. Shit. I didn't fall though. Two hands wrapped around me from behind.

"You okay Maya?" Josh's deep voice vibrated through me.

"Yea, thanks," I blushed. How fucking embarrassing. I was comfortable around Josh, don't get me wrong, but I still wanted to impress him and not embarrass myself all the fucking time. 

We kept walking for what felt like miles until we reached the restaurant inside the park.

I was immediately mesmerized by the restaurant. It was enormous and the art, the designs on the walls, it was all so beautiful. Beauty and the Beast wasn't my favorite Disney movie. Don't get me wrong, it was good, but this place was amazing. The art and architecture of the building was unlike anything I had ever seen before.

"This is part of what made me want to study architecture," Josh whispered to me. "...the stunning buildings that have the ability to completely transport you to a magically world. It's my art."

In that moment, I knew that I had to do something with art. Just like Josh wanted to do with his art in architecture, I wanted to make a difference with my art. I want my art to matter.

We sat down at dinner and stuffed our faces with the food

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We sat down at dinner and stuffed our faces with the food. It was all delicious. Even that grey stuff from the movie was delicious. I ate so much, I practically had a food baby in my stomach. 

Despite our post-dinner food comas, us kids sluggishly left the restaurant and decided to venture around the park.

Nobody really split up from the group. And if they did, it was for bathroom or drink runs and then they would immediately join back with the group. We rode everything we could in the short time we had left in the park before closing. We rode the Seven Dwarf's Mine Train, Space Mountain, Pirate's of the Caribbean, and It's a Small World. We had a short time before closing now, and we decided to get on one last ride.

After a group vote, we almost all agreed on Splash Mountain.

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