Chapter 32

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Maya's POV

"Hey Riles!" I said swinging open the door to see her on the couch stuffing her face with a powdered donut. 

"Hey," she mumbled with a mouthful of donut. "Want one?" The powdered sugar sprinkled all over the place as she took another bite.

"Did you an Lucas make homemade donuts?" I slammed my hands on the counter in excitement.

"Maybe," she smirked mischievously and held out the plate for me to take one.

Even though I was still stuffed from Zay's french toast, I couldn't resist taking a donut. It was Amy's homemade recipe that she used to make for breakfast on special occasions. It made me think of Josh a little, but fuck it. Today is about me and my friends. The ones that have always been there for me. Nobody else.

I grabbed a donut off the plate, sat on the armed chair in our living room, and took a bite. "Mmmmm. So good. Thank Riles!"

"You're welcome!" she paused. was your night? What happened? Are you okay?"

"I'll tell you later," I began. "But before I do...I was thinking. What if we hang out tonight just the six of old times? I miss you guys even though we are all right here. Life has gotten in the way, and if there is anything that I have learned in the last couple years is that you never know what the future is going to bring." I used my hand as a plate, to catch the powdered sugar that shot everywhere every time I took a bite.

"Are you okay Peaches? Just answer that for me please."

"I'm gonna be..." I smiled and I meant it. Even if I couldn't see it right now, I had to believe that everything was gonna be okay.

"Okay. Well, as much as this goes against everything I believe, I'll be here waiting for you when you're ready to talk."

"Thanks Honey. I really appreciate you not pressing me about this. I promise I will tell you eventually." And I will tell her, just after tonight. I needed tonight.

"Ring power?" she reached her finger out to me.

"Ring power." I assured her.

"So what should we do tonight?" she asked.

"Hmm, I have a couple things in mind," I teased. "You get everyone here, and I'll handle everything else. Deal?"

"Deal. Although, to be honest I'm a little scared," she agreed hesitantly.

"Don't be. The MOTHER FUCKING CLIQUE SIX is back! Everyone else should be scared," I laughed. "Maybe have everyone come around 5:30, 6:00ish. We can eat first." I started to plan out the day in my head, but then I realized something: it's Tuesday. "Fuck does everyone have work tomorrow?"

"I know Lucas and Zay have off this whole week. Their boss is crazy nice and gave them off the whole week instead of just the one day that they asked for; the only deal was that they had to go to whatever meetings they have this week. So I think they are good. I'll check in with Farkle and Smackle. If they do, we can just try to keep it an early night." 

"Well hopefully they don't have work tomorrow with the night I have planned!" 

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