Episode 7: Something Missing

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After training with Yuko for another hour with no results, Tetsuya finally decided to take that shower he'd mentioned taking.

He sighed as he stared at the dry metallic shower head as he laid his hands on the knobs on each side. He slowly turned them, making sure to turn the cold one further than the other. Water soon struck his golden brown skin, cooling down each and every inch of it as his somewhat long hair stuck to his skin.

He asked himself what he could be missing? Why had he been unable to use every angel tool he'd come across. Takuya and Teresa managed to get theirs at a young age, as did Serrano. Even his ma had one, though he had never seen her use it, he knew she could use it. What was it that made him different from them?

Was it that his heart was too impure to utilize one? His older brother, had once told him that those with overly impure hearts were unable to use them. While those with tools but whose hearts had lost their purity ended up with demonic tools.

What dark thoughts do I have? I never have given them much thought. Perhaps it's my lack of knowledge on spiritual matters that's the issue. I'll need to talk to Takuya to figure out for sure; if anyone can help me, it's him. For now, I should enjoy this free time. I do have tests to study toward.

The young man closed his golden eyes and lowered his head, allowing the cold water to drown out his anxieties.


"Here's a pair of clothes," Serrano said as he held out a pile of clothes to his cousin. Tetsu smiled warmly and took the clothes from him.

"Thanks. Showed the princess the way back?" he asked as he opened the curtain fully.

The blue-haired young man turned away as Tetsuya walked out.

"Yes," he responded. "She said that she's heading toward the northern province for a special event. However, she did say that she will return in a few days to check up on you. As for Kuroshi, he left someone here to help us activate Agnes."

"You mean Yuko?" Tetsuya asked as he dried his long dark chocolate hair.

"Yes. She's a mysterious one. I am not sure what she is, but she appears to be a robot."

"Robot? So not that different from you, eh?" Tetsuya asked, grinning.

Serrano scoffed. "Me? I am no way like her! Plus, if I am then talk about the pot calling the kettle black! You can be rather absentminded at times as if you were a robot," A gasp escaped his lips. He raised his hands toward his chin and glanced down at the green floor. "Could it be..."

"What? What's wrong?"

Serrano shook his head and grabbed the door handle. "Nothing."

Nothing? That look in his eyes was really for nothing? Could it be that he figured something out but doesn't wish to tell me?

And what does he mean I'm absentminded? Hmm, perhaps I do get too absorbed with my thoughts at times but that doesn't make me... Ahh, why am I taking his joke so seriously? Hmm... maybe he was somewhat right...

Tetsuya sighed and changed into the clothes Serrano had brought him which consisted of worn-black jeans and a plain white shirt.

He picked up his torn clothes from a pile near the shower and headed on his way. He would have to ask his sister to fix them when he returned home.

Waiting for him, in the hallway with the multiple colorful doors, were Serrano and the strange girl Kuroshi had made him fight against.

She remained still, her eyes looking at nothing in particular, simply staring for the sake of it.

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