Episode 62: The Seal

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Koukyuu swung her hand, unleashing a gust of freezing air at the abyssmals. Roa scuttled back, but Satoru simply chuckled as it passed by him as if it were nothing.

She covered the frozen Makkuroyama children and Kuroshi with her tails as fast as she could. Without hurting them, she heated up the ice they were encased in. However, Kuroshi melted into a puddle of goo, which quickly dissolved into a dark mist.

The Kasai no Ki princess gasped and stepped away.

"What? Did I just kill him?" she asked, gulping.

"Was that a clone?" Roa asked, stepping away from it too. He glanced around. "Then, where is the real Kuroshi?"

"That man, didn't he seem familiar to you?" Satoru asked, rubbing his chin and tilting his head at where 'Kuroshi' once stood.

"Yeah, Etsuo, and I thought that since we first met him," Roa said, narrowing his eyes at where the guy had once stood.

Koukyuu pulled out two kunai from underneath her white coat and threw them at the distracted boys. The two moved away, but the kunai still managed to land a hit on Satoru's right arm and one on Roa's left.

"Don't turn your attention away from your enemies. Though, I'm glad to know that I didn't just accidentally kill someone," she said with a slight smile.

Satoru narrowed his golden eyes at her. "If you think that an injured girl such as yourself can take us down, then you're mistaken."

"Satoru, let's finish this now so that we can help Etsuo out and meet up with the boss," Roa said as a dark cloud with red sparks covered him entirely.

Satoru smiled as a similar cloud covered him, but instead of sparks, there was a strange bluish chill.

The Kasai no Ki princess took a step back as the energy levels around Roa and Satoru began to go up significantly. The clouds of darkness gradually vanished to reveal a black pegasus with ruby eyes and a gray fox with sapphire eyes.

Roa took a single step forward, causing the palace grounds to tremble. "You thought that you could defeat us? Like this?"

Koukyuu took another step back. Her kunai slipped to the ground. The pressure Roa himself radiated was too great by itself. With both Roa and Satoru, it felt as if the force itself could crush her. How powerful were their enemies? Was there even any hope of winning the war?

She shook her head. She needed to do something, anything. But what? She was only one person against two monsters!


[A few moments earlier within the palace]

Tetsuya smacked the dark gelatin-like substance that had emerged from the cracks in the golden doors, but it merely bounced off the shield. He spun around and smashed it against the wall, but it bounced back at him and so on like a ping-pong ball.

"Master!" Yuko yelled, running into the lobby from the opposite direction that Takuya had gone. She tossed a plain-looking knife at the thing. Still, it absorbed it into its gelatinous body, where it quickly fizzled until it dissolved.

Teresa took a step back and said, "No way. Nothing that's done to it affects it."

Tetsuya reverted his shield back into its bracelet form and removed the new weights that Kuroshi had given him earlier in the morning. A giant cloud of dust spread out across the palace lobby, shocking the blob. Tetsu rushed at the thing with all he had, pushing it against the wall.

"Tetsu!" Rosa yelled. "Don't punch it, it'll dissolve your body too!"

"Oh, I came prepared," Tetsu said, grinning.

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