Episode 45: Starless City

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[The Next Day]

"Tetsuya!" a voice yelled. He opened his eyes and saw the purple canopy of his new bed. He turned to his right and saw the second princess who was shaking him. "Ahh, finally."

"What's wrong?" he asked, sitting up. "What time is it?"

She let go of him and stepped back. The look she gave him was like that of a mom. "It's ten. You overslept. Serrano sent me here to check up on you."

Tetsuya laughed. "Sorry." He stared down at the soft bed. "It's just. This is the best bed that I've ever slept on!"

"Our beds are nice, aren't they?" she said, giggling.

Tetsuya stared at her in awe. "Are you really royalty?"

"Of course I am," she said, scratching her head.

"I mean that you and Setsuko don't act like royals." He bit his lip. Perhaps it wasn't his place to talk so casually with a noble either. Even though he had been doing so since he has known her.

She laughed, turning around with her hands behind her back. "Despite seeming so uptight, Father isn't very formal either."

Tetsuya's lips curved upward. "Yeah, I noticed. It's kind of nice."

She grinned and walked over to the orange oak door. "Anyway, breakfast is ready. The others are all waiting for you downstairs. Once you're done eating, we'll head out to pick out your armor."

Tetsu nodded and waited for her to leave before standing up. He put on his white t-shirt and black jeans, which had reappeared when he removed the clothes Kuroshi had given him.

Waiting for him outside of his room was the princess. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," Tetsu said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Though why are you waiting for me?"

"You might get lost," she responded, walking ahead of him. She twirled around and smiled at him. "Plus, you were my guide before once, remember?"

Tetsuya laughed as he recalled how they had met. "Oh yeah. Though unlike you, I have a better sense of this place than you did with the university."

She turned her back to him. "I-I guess that's true. Fine, if you rather not have me as your guide, then I'll go on ahead without you next time."

The shield knight reached a hand out to her. "I don't mind, though."

The princess averted her gaze. "I see..."

Tetsuya suddenly let go of her arm. Why had he done that?

The two remained quiet for the rest of the trip to the dining room. When they arrived they saw their teammates and Serrano seated at the table.

"Tetsu," Takuya said, between bites. "This place... is great!"

Serrano, who sat next to him, chuckled. "Glad that you're enjoying yourself. So, you'll be heading northward tomorrow?"

Takuya finished his last spring roll and stared at the golden trimmed porcelain plate. "Yeah. Though I plan to return to the capital as soon as I'm done. I sort of have somethin' to do, a promise to keep."

Teresa gave him a curious look but didn't say anything. Instead, she returned to eating her oatmeal.

"Something to do here?" Tetsuya asked, taking a seat as one of the maids brought a plate of pancakes over. He gazed down at the pancakes put in front of him. "Uh..."

Serrano smiled at him. "Go on, eat. And no, the staff aren't psychic. I just told them your favorite breakfast."

Tetsuya laughed. "Thanks for the meal!" He cut through the pancakes with the side of his fork and popped the soft buttery bread into his mouth. It felt like he was indeed in heaven.

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