Episode 79: Monkey King Unleashed

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"Stop, young man! You are going to die!" Lady Miyuki yelled as she reached her hand out for Tetsuya.

"I don't care!" Tetsuya yelled as he looked back at her. "I need to save Rosa and Principe!"

Miyuki took a deep breath. "Then allow me to handle it."

"No, aunt. I'll accompany him," Zafir said, stepping forward. Zafir turned toward Teresa and Takuya. "Please care for Akari. I'll go with your brother and make sure that he and Lady Rosalba are safe. I will hold off some of the gears."

"Rosa!" Tetsuya yelled as he continued on his way. A mix of dark wisps and darkness filled the hall. The scent of burning metal was apparent the closer he drew to the room filled with gears. He could hear desperate neighs. "Hold on, boy! I'm coming for you two!"

Tetsuya waved his hand, pushing aside the darkness and dust. He gasped as there were several gears suspended in the air. His lips though crested upward as soon as he spotted Principe and Rosa. The alicorn was trying his best to navigate through them. The platform he had been left on was crushed by one of the smaller gears.

The Agnes Knight held out his heart-shaped shield and formed a new barrier around his alicorn and the princess to shield them from all the metallic dust. "Fly over here!"

Principe did as instructed and flew as well as possible through the gears, even flying vertically, side to side, and diagonally in sharp angles.

Tetsuya smiled as Principe landed in front of him. He jumped on top of the alicorn, wrapped his arms around the sleeping princess, and took the reins. Once walking back into the hall, he formed a barrier at the edge of it.

"Where is this exit?" Hyosetsu asked as darkness poured in from the next room.

"Everyone, brace yourselves!" Zafir yelled. The Seven-Sea knight's hands were glowing silver. "I'm gonna drop the gears to clear the way!"

"Let's get out of here, brother," Mai said as she grabbed her brother's hand.

"Farewell, cousins," Man-kin said, staring back at Tetsuya and his siblings.

"Cousins?" Tetsuya asked, puzzled.

"We'll tell you later," Teresa said. She yelped as a slab of marble from the hall collapsed in the middle of the crowd.

Suddenly Zafir dropped the gears, causing a sharp sound to shake the entire hall. More slabs of marble that faded into darkness fell over them. Being hit by the shadow felt like getting struck by heavy rain.

"We're gonna die!" Teresa yelled as the floor beneath them showed signs of cracking.

"Calm down. Panicking won't help," Nico said, putting a hand on her shoulders.

The frightened young woman suddenly wrapped her arms around him.

Nico sighed. "Relax."

"Please protect us, Archangels Hanketsu, Valencia," Takuya prayed with his hands interlocked.

"Everyone, get on your pegasi!" Zafir commanded as he pushed aside the metallic dust in the air.

"Follow me!" Tetsuya yelled as his alicorn toward the now cleared exit.

Teresa quickly let go of Nico and looked down at the graveyard of gears. What were they for?

"Perhaps its best we don't find out," Nico said as he held the rein of Teresa's alicorn.

Everyone hopped on an alicorn or pegasus and flew toward where Tetsuya was.

"Are you sure that this will lead us outside?" Eiji asked all the way from the back of the line. The darkness had finished consuming the water park room.

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